Why does this happen?

Why does this happen?

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It's because after WW2 when Europe was destroyed, America saved their infrastructure with the Marshall plan, and ever since then they've had a childish mindset of being dependent on others. We shouldn't have helped. It only hurt you guys in the long run.

just a meme or idk

Mudate a los Estados de mierda entonces a ver como te va so pendejo

Having NATO rely almost entirely on the USA made even their militaries complacent and weak. We'll still fuck up Russia if they try to march into Ukraine but none of these fucking European countries would hold their own in a fight beyond France and Great Britain.

>vw up
4x4 is for short dick man

Don't include us, mutt. You did not give us money or support our legitimate government during our civil war. You just took our colonies from us. thanks for nothing. All the support that came from your country were GOD volunteers.

Attached: marshall plan europe.jpg (458x512, 99.66K)

Americans are a bit gaudy?


lol we only support fascists when it's for fighting communism

Which is terribly cringe. Communism is the best thing that has happened to the world since the fall of the old regime.

>still in school
>live with roomates
>still look like I'm 20
>no gf
>drive a ford fiesta
uh oh

No papa. Me mude hace par de tiempo.

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No me vuelvas a citar, anticomunista de bajo coeficiente intelectual.

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i find this more accurate

Attached: 25.png (696x1102, 939.37K)

it doesn't happen
percentage of american males who at 25 have their own house, big house and are married is probably less than 1%, and even if that's the case it's probably all on debt so not really theirs

There's a secret in that picture. The bride is a tranny and he's got a child from his previous marriage, to whom he's paying child support for the next fifteen years.

It's not his kid though, its his ex-wife's son.
Also the house was made on the cheap and it's full of black mold and shonky wiring because construction guidelines are commie bullshit.

I hate Chris Kyle and every Amerimutt that fought in their stupid wars.


And the Amerimutt was shot by a psychotic veteran.
I wish he got hanged in Iraq after being sentenced in the name of its people, for the war crimes he committed.
But you can't have everything.

Te recomiendo que te quites la vida si tienes más de 15 años y piensas así.

At 14 I did my first day of hard manual labor.
I started seriously drinking wine and brandy at 15.
At 16 I started fucking.
At 18 I went on a roadtrip to Greece with my crew.
At 19 I moved out to another town.
At 21 I got my first real engineering job, without a finished university.
At 22 I moved to Belgrade.
Meeting people from my generation or younger that lived the nolife weed+vidya+always broke lifestyle was like a middle aged man meeting highschool kids.
But later on I got fired over some administrative bullshit.
With nothing I got a security guard job to just barely pay the rent and have for food.
Then my gf left me.
By the time I was 25 I lived an entire life worth of experiences of some loser corporate slaves.
The biggest defeat was returning back to hometown and my family house.
But at same time it freed me from slaving away to pay rent and to have food on the table.
So now decades after I own real estate, have a comfy income, everything all secure and streamlined.

>squid suicide

Attached: Map_of_countries_by_suicide_rate,_WHO_(2019).svg.png (1200x621, 243.86K)

thats antisemitic and holocaust denial


De verdad que me compadezco de ti.

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they kill, incarcerate or shoot anyone who does not comply
the american just has a huge untapped country full of possibilities

I hate cars and so should you.

Un animeposter se compadece de mí.

>Don't include us, mutt. You did not give us money
Yeah that's what the EU is for.


America has been infantized we're getting very close to the top part soon

Because we're gayboyian consoomers. That 70's style wall rug costs more than the VW Up.

Mejor postear anime que no ser un comunista, encima uno que empieza el tú vs yo por un baitpost puajajajajajaja, bueno venga fastamilla ya cuando tengas que cuidar de una familia y tener trabajo me cuentas cómo te va el comunismo.

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