Why are Americans like this?

Why are Americans like this?

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He is enraptured with the technological wonders of our time

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Wow. SpongeBob cels. Why

god I wish that were me

Meanwhile I have sex with my girlfriend and she lets me cum inside her :)

Gamers, aka manchildren, don't realize there's better things to spend your money on. They think video games are the end goal.

Someone from a theocracy wouldn't understand

>money "saved"

I don't know why anyone would need an Xbox, PS5 and a gaming PC. Very redundant

Based RDJ poster
He said proudly... on Any Forums
Crazy levels of disposable income will make you buy the dumbest shit imaginable

Absolutely no one:
Literally no one:
Me: Gay sex poz loads

I have hard-out autism so I'm basically destined to be forever alone. I don't get these types, I know so many 7/10 men that voluntarily live like I do and I'm like "why", this manchild shit becomes miserable as fuck in your 40s and 50s and is old by the time you're 25 even. And they're not even happy is the kicker, they're miserable and broken to top it all off.

I'd love to have kids.

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Do Americans really buy monitors?

I understand what you mean. All I want is the stereotypical happy nuclear family.

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Ensnared by Moloch

I dunno about you guys, but the older I get, the more I start to fear that I only like the idea of having a family but not in practice

you can have kids and hoard vidya stuff, all you need is money and they raise themselves after the first few years of their life, if you aren't wealthy or at least live in a real first world country you shouldn't be having kids.

>forcing someone to be born in brownentina so they end up another poverty ball obsessed wageslave living in a favela and throwing their lives away for 200 usd a month

those are some pretty cheap looking monitors and prebuilt
is this guy for real or is it an edit?

besides, you actually save more money if you live together with someone else
good luck buying video games when you need to pay off your house and bills on your own

>wanting to ''own'' a house with someone you are in a relationship with

maybe in your shithole but in real countries like the us you can actually buy a big house on a single income.

Video games are better then sex and i tired of pretending that they are not

I want to have kids real bad. I'm 26. I'll be happy with myself if I make it happen by the time I'm 35.

Maybe it's just some genetic thing kicking in, but I really want to have a family now. I'm terrified of missing my chance. I don't want to be alone in my 40s surrounded by my possessions and nothing else.

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Women when they want to settle don't like men that sit in front of a computer playing bibleo games all weekend. They have an instinctual hatred of lazy men and if you browse women forums you'll see that "smokes weed and plays xbox all day" is synonymous with "fuck up loser that's not dateworthy".

They'll tolerate those men during their early years when they're just fucking around themselves, but it definitely becomes unattractive and leads to problems when they're looking to settle. I cannot imagine a manchild like that having a healthy marriage with a woman, they only seem to date fat polyamorous women that have fried their brain due to twenty years of birth control and antidepressant abuse.

I feel the same. I get jealousy and feel sadness when I see a young couple with kids. I really want it so bad.

i worry that I will grow old alone and die childless. I'm 24 and theres no sign of anything getting better

I feel the same

theres millions of americans that would literally the contempt with "smoking weed and playing videogames all day" for the rest of their lives

why would you want to ever settle down? lol why would you ever even get into a relationship to begin with? you can just go with prostitutes when you become too old to pick up and fuck women. no reason to ever be in a relationship, if you want a kid you can always find a way of having one, no need for relationships for that.

>saving money is bad

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I don't necessarily feel jealous of other people, all I mean is that I'm liable to start beating myself up if I get to the latter half of my thirties without the beginnings of a family of my own beginning to fall into place.
I'll take as long as I have to, though.
There sure are. It's sad.