/balk/ + /v4/

cat edition

Attached: bvll.jpg (261x268, 8.87K)

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*Ding Ding Dong*

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Musulmanic balkan

I'm here to laugh at non-Greeks.

Same my fellow greek mprother

Дoбpo yтpo

what v4 mean?

cringe thread



Why would you want to laugh at yourself? Have some respect

But itt everyone is greek

Animals are beasts.

Except ikibey.

As we speak, Iki makes connections between Dragonball and Greeks

V4 - Visegrád4, central european alliance between Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia

Can i join it? How's the copper game in these countries?

copper game? you want to steal copper dont you?

No, what would even give you that impression? I was just curious is all.

Then what did you mean by "copper game"? Copper mining?

So how are you guys how was your day

Shut up

Waiting for a whore to come over and hopefully not with a pack of gypsies.

>Canada just declared protestors terrorists and gave itself the power to instantly freeze all bank accounts without a court order
holy based globohomostan

I am drinking Turkish coffee.