Does this happen in your cunt on valentine's day?

Does this happen in your cunt on valentine's day?

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Not true, no one wants an ugly, fat woman or an ugly, fat man

Stop pitying yourself.

What about an ugly skinny man?

or a trans woman

Fat woman can get any man as long as they have pretty face and/or nice personality.

Lol no. Fat women are inherently repulsive, everyone despises them. A fat man can still have a career and make something of himself. If a woman isn't attractive, then she's got no value

An ugly man can compensate with wealth, power, status, humor, personality

An ugly woman is just fucked

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Male loneliness is when they're low on the social hierarchy and no one values their existence because they're weak.

Women go through being constantly harassed and annoyed by men they find utterly unattractive, and don't experience having their existence entirely ignored until they get older and lose their looks (unless they were always gross.)

Men make the mistake of assuming the equivalent would be is if they were constantly harassed by models, when the reality would be closer to something like being harassed by the ugliest, grossest, fattest, most annoying women imaginable.

When women tell men to fuck off it's because they see them as unattractive and annoying, like how everyone sees that fat, emotional theater chick from high school who was obsessed with horses.

You can have many people in your life but still all alone user you're projecting your lack of intimacy onto all women it isn't fair

Fat women can lose weight
A social outcast can only do so much without going insane

of course

This is because a good portion of normie women believe that 80% of men are bellow them even if they're average

Ive met 3/10 women who said they've been asked out 10+ times in the past year. You cannot suffer as a woman.

Why do so many utterly unremarkable men with no personality whatsoever think they’re entitled to sex


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too close to home?

Being bothered by people you find unattractive is suffering. Imagine 50+ year old women constantly telling you how tight they still are, fat chicks asking if you're a virgin or if you're gay because you don't want to hook up, or 2/10 gay men talking about how some day they want to bend you over a railing and pound you. That's the equivalent, it may seem nice but by day two it's its own kind of hell. People ignoring your existence is worse but everyone treating you like some silly fucktoy which should constantly be humiliated in order to keep under control is not a big step up.

yeah im at home? dilate

Why do unremarkable women believe they're entitled to remarkable men?

They don’t you deluded incel.

boo hoo chad doesnt hit on me

I've seen literal land whales with completely average guys, if you're a woman and lonely there's no way you haven't rejected at least a few decent guys

Not my problem.

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What does that have to do with what I just said. You can’t even think straight you’re such an incel.

Women clearly don't accept their equal. I forgot that extrapolation was too hard for a retard like you