It's hilarious how first world nations bubble of elitism is being popped over the last 3 years and 3rd world problem...

It's hilarious how first world nations bubble of elitism is being popped over the last 3 years and 3rd world problem that they once considered themselves too "civilized" to have are being to pop up all over the place and they're completely unable to deal with them and have to revert to censorship/propaganda/authoritarianism and other toolkits of an totalitarianism state for solutions.

Maybe they will really realize why developing nations that can barely feed themselves act the way they do and not everyone can become a perfect democracy with a thriving high technology economy overnight.

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nuke earth

to long, didn't read
but fuck wh*toids

I want them to suffer just as bad we've suffered bros

it's not hilarious

1sties deep down understand the only reason they have it better is luck. No firstie in 2022 had made their 3rd world shitholes 1st world. They were born into it. Maybe you could say that to Singaporeans in 80s or Koreans in 90s even then anyone below the age of 45 has nothing to do with it.

This is why they are very anxious about preserving the status quo. The garbage driver is racist because he knows his job can be given to some foreigner who would be more than happy to do it for a fraction of the pay. There are many 3rdies who are paid far less than they deserve but there are also many 1sties who live in comfort levels that they do not deserve at all.

this is up there with blindfolding cattle so that they don't get stressed

Capitalism failed just as communism did, we have to come up with a solution or human existence will be hell on earth in the next 50 years. I particularly find that a global connected market is cancer for both mankind and nature and only few benefit.

I have literally not seen anything like this, and even if it is happening then good.
People here need to learn to live with a little less excess.

>thirdies wanting to ruin functional countries instead of fixing their own

This is why I don't give a shit about any of your problems. We do nothing but give aid and try to help, and you niggers intentionally ruin everything you can.

You are within the top 10% income levels in your country

top 1% aschually but I still earn less than some bahai boomer who was vacationing here that I met..He was just managing few local businesses social media.

It's not just this. It's the heavy handed crackdown on riots, the censorship of anyone that questions the science/lockdown/Vaxx. The deep underlying trust issues between the classes and races. The deep seated corrupted issues and graft. Incompetent leaders that promise the world and do nothing. It's all out of some African dictatorship. And their response to all of this is also out of a dictatorship's handbook.

Just look at the how the Americans were laughing at how Africa was handling ebola, how they distrusted the WHO and shot at the health workers who tried to give them aid and though that it was them spreading the disease. And look at the America responed to COVID

Oh yes it is. Especially here. Nobody in Australia knows what suffering is. Some cars block streets in Canberra and it's worse than the holocaust. Everyone is a pack of softcocks.

It's not even about becoming third world. The western world wouldn't be able to survive if it had to live on the same level as an Eastern European village. You give the average first worlder some yeast, water and flour and he'd starve to death. He wouldn't know what to do with it.


>Maybe they will really realize why developing nations that can barely feed themselves act the way they do
westoids never realize anything


also based

Attached: kara boga.jpg (720x478, 39.67K)

Here's a bigger blackpill for you Turkbro, nobody "deserves" anything, the only way this world rewards is via violence, be it symbolic or the old fashioned way

And here's the biggest blackpill. The people with the most in this world right now are the ones least capable of fighting for it.

Those boomer warhawks? They're the last guard of the west. Without them? With future security in the hands of Millenials and Zoomers and whatever few Gen X'ers who want to do more with their lives than be fifty year old teenagers? The west is going to collapse faster than you can say Nineties Kid,

>executive insider @Commisar
Of course.
Like 2 years ago this was revealed to be part of a store opening/reorganization thing. You can't trust commie tweets it turns out.

I supposed that mouse utopia would eventually become a reality