Tell me about white trash america

Tell me about white trash america

Attached: robert-sprague-and-his-wife-rawni-at-the-annual-summer-redneck-games-C5FPRR.jpg (866x1390, 170.22K)

The only group you can legally oppress in the United States.

Aren't you in the best position to tell us about them?

they are based retards

I do not like them at all but they are very funny

Pale Mexicans that speak english


Soulful people, unlike the rest of their countrymen.

there's a difference between white trash and rednecks, white trash can be found anywhere but rednecks are only in the Southeast. you should already know this.

No idea honestly. I don't leave my suburban town that much so my only understanding of them stems from how the media represents them

They tend to be pro-Capitalism despite being nothing more than machines for the ruling class, they tend to be handy but they don't have nearly the same amount of tools and equipment available to upper-middle class hogs who think they are the working class so they tend to live in shacks and drive cars from the 80s instead of brand new pickups. They are fed trash and don't have good food available to them thanks to lobbying and marketing by big corps so they are generally unhealthy and have no healthcare.

pic rel is one who stood up for the lower class

Attached: Blair Mountain coal miner.jpg (1248x940, 177.15K)

The woman are extremely racist, yet they fuck black guys. Makes you think!

I am proud of our peasantry

built for you know what

Who wouldn't? With those massive black cocks. Imagine one just stretching against the walls of a vagina. What a pleasure! Not just to feel, I'd love to watch one fucking a woman raw. I'm ready to cum just thinking about it!

i love american south accent

>I'd love to watch one fucking a woman raw
What stops you?

That's not white trash. That's actual country people like me. Decent kind of wild. Most of us are now democrats or libertarians. Hate racist and homophobes. Magapedes are worse than SJWs to us.

White trash is from the suburbs, much fatter, no tan, no muscles. That's just a country boy being ironic, he even has his wife in the daisy dukes. I guarantee you he fucked black chicks. We all do. Just show up to the city in a truck with jeans, boots and some friends.

You can walk through a white trash neighborhood at 4am without getting robbed, you can't do that in a black/brown neighborhood.

>That's actual country people like me

Attached: amerimutt.jpg (1200x1200, 139.83K)

It is cause whites are weak. When you come to our neighborhoods you get robbed because you are an easy target (Asians fall into the same category).

>t. chicano

I've lived in the ghetto(Oakland) and nobody messed with me because I look like a hobo but i've had guns pulled on me in mexican neighborhoods. Mexicans sit on their porch and if the wrong person they don't recognize walks by they get territorial.

meth heads of any color you do not want to live around

oh no no no..
please do not delude the euros like this

That pic is father-daughter right?