
You wake up in Russia

Attached: Russia.png (1743x1032, 2.33M)


where are you man?

Better than France

did you know that russians have wooden commieblocks because they are so poor they can't even afford stone

Unknown republic.


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they are 1/7 of the planet and there's less of them than bangladesh, you cant expect every square meter of that 1/7 of the planet's surface to look like las vegas, can you?


I gotta try to kill Putin

Probably Donetsk

ultimate SOVL

I'd kill myself.
Russia is a shithole country.
Russians are genuinely awful.
The so-called "Russian mentality" is contemptible.
They are despicable.
The other day, an user made a thread saying "You have 10 seconds to act as Russian as possible". My answer is: if you want to act as Russian as possible, you need to abandon all morals and have absolutely no care for the well-being of others. How do you do this? Murder, theft, rape.

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Yes, I live in Russia.

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Looks cool
I’d party there

>Living in Moldova
>One day I will probably wake up in Russia
I came here to escape the pain.

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ayyy lmao

ugliest village of russia, vgh

>I'd kill myself
embracing you Russian half, very nice


Unless I am killed during the invasion, one day I will.

In his own boat in the middle of ocean

VGH just like morrowind, even the draw distance

reminds me of arma 2 wasteland

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