Why isn't male genital mutilation, otherwise known as mals circumcision, banned in all countries...

Why isn't male genital mutilation, otherwise known as mals circumcision, banned in all countries? How can this barbaric practice still be legal in developed countries? How can any parent think it's a good idea to permanently cut off a part of their sons' bodies without their consent? Why is research into the negative effects of male genital mutilation being suppressed?

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*male circumcision

Jews get a lot of blame for stuff that isn't their fault, but this one is entirely their fault.

rich people like eating the fried baby skins.

jews, muslims and americans are mental ill, simple as.

Worst Koreans too.

1) America is Zionist and Jews circumcise
2) because Jews circumcise, the Anglo world order deems it as "anti-Semitic" to ban their tradition

I wonder how many people kill themselves or their parents over circumcision

Why hasn't there been any large political movement in the developed world to ban infant cicumcision? Female genital mutilation is rightfully banned, but male gential mutilation is still legal everywhere. Why aren't infant boys afforded the same legal protection as infant girls?

Because it's easy money. American doctors say that it's healthier and that uncircuncised men are shamed by society for "not being like everybody else."

America is the most developed country in the world, yet how can it be like this? I don't understand how such a barabaric practice can be legal in countries which respect human rights. Shouldn't everyone have the right to a whole body?

There was a political discussion here some time ago about treating it as bodily harm. But the jews said that would mean the end of jewish life in Germany and it would literally be another shoa, so politicians chickened out and said it was part of religious freedom.

But it's child abuse. A religious person can't say that it's their religious right to beat a child. Why is mutilating a child considered part of religious freedom?

>large political movement in the developed world

It won't ever be banned in the developed world because xenophilia towards muh joos and muh mooslims. It won't ever be banned in the Islamic or Jewish world because the insane larp isn't allowed to end.

I don't see the problem with it. It's more hygienic to be circumcised, compared to being a dick cheese producer

Just let people do their own shit, don't interfere in other people's lives

many people here are slowly waking up, the rate of circumcision is dropping, I personally met a few people throughout my life who aren't circumcised, its going down even more in the diaspora, but people here have a hard time explaining why its bad, especially to religious fundamentalists.
I do however believe, that villainization is not the answer to this, you, at the end of the day, want the best for the male population and the children who are born, you need to explain peacefully and respectfully why its a bad idea to do it. when a person has a history of being abused by others (as jews have), they naturally have an aversion towards any criticism as it can be just a mask towards more sinister intentions.
thats my take on the jewish-circumcision situation, I don't know what its like in muslim countries.

Because Jews do it and you can't criticise them or you are literally worse than Hitler.

How did you know they weren't cut are you a fag

Circumcision removes the most sensitive part of your dick. Did you know that americans started doing it because the Frosted Flakes tiger told them that it would stop kids from masturbating? He also somehow convinced them that sugar-coated corn is a balanced and healthy breakfast :^)

True story by the way.

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I don't know. If it was up for me to decide I would ban it no questions asked. But taking away rights from the jews is a sensitive topic here. Why other developed nations don't ban it, idk.

I used to professionally swim, and we had swimming classes in school in 5th grade, so we were naked together in the showers, thats when most of my class found out what circumcision really is, none of us ever thought about it, and none of us knew the other type existed.

Wake up guys, seriously I thought it was a Any Forums meme but the rich LITERALLY USE BABY FORESKIN FOR BEAUTY PRODUCTS and probably Jews eat them behind closed doors
What the FUCK man Oprah fucking Winfrey probably USED YOUR FORESKIN TO STAY YOUNG

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>it's more hygienic
>don't interfere with people who cut baby dicks
Pretending to be American for replies, or actual jew/muslim?

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if you're too lazy to attend to basic hygiene, you should cut your ears off as well to avoid getting wax in them

Infant circumcision causes brain damage in infants which can lead to trouble with maternal Bonding. Circumcision also reduces penile sensitivity and sexual pleasure. So many boys and men experience anger, shame, aversion to intimacy, and depression because of their circumcision. I would prefer to have my foreskin and clean it properly rather than to have it permanently cut off.

Back when my depression was bad, my circumcision was one reason I considered an heroing