None of my ancestors were rapebabies or bastards

None of my ancestors were rapebabies or bastards.
Can you say the same in your country?

Attached: 1644531533488.jpg (657x527, 33.23K)

What's your definition of bastard?

Yes, it was all consensual and legal.

Children born out of wedlock.

I am a bastard. my parents only got married when I was 9

I am a bastard.

No but mine were the one who raped


No. Go back far enough and it's unlikely anyone can say this.

No, but who cares?

No, although my genealogy goes back to many conquistadors however they married Spanish women and maintained homogenous communities which later mixed in the early 1900s.

Don't know don't care
All my ancestors past my great-grandma could have been martians or ukrainians, and it wouldn't affect my life one bit

>99% of all humans were conceived before marriage customs were invented
OP's ancestors are as much a bastard as everyone else's

Nah im sure a bunch of my ancestors were britons who got raped by anglos, and anglos who got raped by danes.

Base mughal prince


If you living in sumatra, 50% chance you got indian gene from Chola invasion etc
Not mentioning all your ancestor is non-muslim/chrsitian.

That would also make you a rape baby


No. But I identify with the ancestors who raped, not with the ones that got COLONIZED

Definitely not