Gf missed her period. What the fuck do I do... I'm not ready to be a parent

Gf missed her period. What the fuck do I do... I'm not ready to be a parent

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cooming on your anime pillow doesn’t make it pregnant

throw her down the stairs

leave the nonce teacher job and go home immediately

Are you native Japanese or Daniel-san or PFC Gomez?

don't worry, it's not yours

I'm the hafu user.
I'm 26...

take responsibility

do it for him user

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man up and be a great father to your girlfriends child

I'm a NEET though
My parents will kill me

prepare for your 3/4 kodomo

Leave hem/her to the baby post then.
Im sick of news of kids abused to death.

She's not Japanese so it will be 1/4

Did she look under the bed?

strip her scalp and eat her flesh

Get that birthdate up
When automation takes hold your kid will be a multi-millionaire from owning a factory


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If you fucked up you take responsibility OP.
Simple as. Find a compromise, but do your duty.

I am a father of a 9 mo old son. He is everything to me. Being a dad is the best thing ever.


t. Abe

What's she?

this doesn't please abe

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if it's not too late. try googling "emergency pills"

why even live in Japan if not to fuck jap girls

Abe's wife can't have kids iirc. He wants others to have what he himself is denied.
>Kid's parent has citizenship
>Kid will be citizen
I gotta be honest, I think that's all Abe cares about at this point.