..........explain yourselves Russiabros

..........explain yourselves Russiabros

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Columbianbros.. why

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They also be naming their sons "Yuri". Kind of gay if you ask me.

It's just the Russian form of Julian

Vagina is female versrion of surname Vagin that come from first name Vaga or Vazha, The pagan name Vaga is etymologically connected with an old Russian meaning that came to the Eastern Slavs, probably through Polish dialects from the Old German language, where the word Wage, waga meant "scales, weight." The meaning of "vaga" has become especially widespread in Voronezh, Kursk, Saratov, as well as in many other dialects of Russia, while having slightly different meanings. So, in the Oryol dialects, as well as in the west of the country in general, "vaga" is a large trading scale, and in Ryazan and Tambov - a lever, a lifting mechanism. In the south of Russia, this is how they called influence, significance, everything that has weight. It should be noted that the direct form of the meaning of "vaga" in Russian is the now widely known adjective "important". In the old days, it meant "heavy, heavy", and now - "significant, necessary, influential."

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Sasha too

Serious question but why do Slavic women all have names ending with an A?

based knowledge disseminator

it's how their surname system works. The surnames are gendered for some reason.

Everything is gendered in Russian language

Yuri is folk version of name Georgy that in english is George

Sasha is diminitive of Alexander/Alexandra, male and female name


BTW vagina is also have same meaning in russian like in english so surname Vagina is object of gags and many women refuse to take husband surname of hes surname is Vagin

I am Il'ya

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lmao no it's the name of a pornstar that took it up the ass a bunch

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Do women with names other than the letter A exist?
Or is that how most names are turned feminine?

If this sounds offensive Im sorry, I think its a nice way to quickly distinguish if someone is from Slavic origins.

First names alway end on a, ya, but surnames are not always, especially of foreign origin or rare old surnames-nicknames of neutral gender

they sometimes end with я which is technically a different letter in russian but would be converted to 2 letters in other languages (ya)

But all diminitive versions of names both male and female are feminine

>First names alway end on a, ya
Wait, always? You don't have female names that don't end in "a"? In Croatian, there are some, such as: Ines, Iris, Nives, Karmen, Doris, Ingrid, Mare, Kate.

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We had an English teacher with that surname...