>how fucked am I bros

>been with gf for 4 years
>Want to marry her
>Asked about kids she said she wants non .
>She only wants large huskies and Germans shephards .
Bros idk what to do this site has ruined my mind .

Attached: 1644486260833.webm (480x848, 2.68M)

*this site has opened your mind

i'd be so upset if my dog chewed me especially in a no no zone is it just me or are huskies dumb as fuck

>How fucked am i?
> Want to marry

there is absolutely no point to a marriage if you are not going to have children that is the POINT of that institution if she doesn't share your values find someone else while you poke her for fun kekekek let that slag have fucking mutts

You just KNOW

rather that than a black i'm not even doing a meme

Break up with her, retard. Say you want children and that is a dealbreaker for you. Next relationship, make sure to find that out early.

Why would you be with somebody for 4 years and not know if they want children?

>asks Any Forums for relationship advice

>Want to marry her
take a step back and really fucking evaluate your mindset and readjust

rent free

Bro it's over consider her knotted


hey man uh shut up

Break up and find another person

Sorry, user, but I suggest you cut the gordian knot and find someone else ;)

Blackbros...we did knot see that cuming

Why would you possibly want children? Huge financial drain especially in a 4 year relationship if you're in your early 20s, higher divorce rate, harder to divorce as well

based boys DO live rent free in your mind don't they cuck?

Attached: i told you to go fuck yourself.jpg (615x632, 34.49K)

You are not meant for each other.

Attached: 1604040692343.png (332x330, 82.79K)

god wish I was that dog

have fun dying alone and not taken care of