What the hell is happening in america lads


What the hell is happening in america lads

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They are "ratchet"

>tfw no african-american ho to inseminate and then abandon to raise my bastard son in the ghetto whom I will never ever contact

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Is that white girl even old enough to get pregnant? Looks about 11.

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The hormone catastrophe is making girls hit their puberty earlier and earlier.

Jesus. Imagine how many black men have fucked that white girl

And that's why you don't go to Walmart

Where does the huwhite man shop at?

Ayuss n tiddy

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Americans are a disease

America unironically looks like the worst place ever.

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No, that's just the south and urban areas. If you stay away from the concrete jungles you are pretty much gauranteed to never see blacks let alone interact with them god forbid.

what is plan B an euphemism for? anal sex or abortion?

Post this video to cure Any Forumsanons that have jungle fever.


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morning after pill brand name i'm pretty sure

Ah, thanks.

I like how that white slut is twerking and slapping her pussy, turns me on

Ghetto white girls are actually kind of sexy if they're attractive.

not sure how autistic people exist in yankistan

Colorful characters are what make America interesting.
If I wanted to live around a bunch of boring fucks I would have stayed in Japan.
t. Strawboss

What creates subhumans like this?