Do you stand with Ukraine?

Do you stand with Ukraine?

Attached: 32-russia-ukraine-age.png (867x488, 155.9K)


where's the ''support russia'' option?

Based boomers

Whatever the American government and media supports, I vouch for the opposite. I'm rooting for Russia. I don't even care about looking into these things. If this fucked up evil regime supports something, I am against it.

Not shown in the graph
10% of zoomers and 0% of boomers support Russia

Its easy to support it when you wont get drafted. Ameritard boomers must remember that the us and a will never get to that point of hegemony they used to be. If ukrainians bark so much then these loudmouths should deal with russians by themselves.

>If ukrainians bark so much then these loudmouths should deal with russians by themselves.
It's Russia and USA fear mongering, Zelensky has literally told the US to shut up multiple times

Actually its only the us and a who keep pushing ukrainians to an open war with russia. Russia has no plan to overtake that since it will be just another region to feed. Its the “peacekeeping” democrats as usually trying to keep the war machine going.

Fucking boomer i swear they are pure cancer in every cunt
I hate them so much

I stand with Ukraine. I feel powerless in this situation and don't know what to do.

I didn’t even know Ukraine existed a month ago

No. Ukraine is american puppet state shithole.

Lmao old cunts are so bloodthirsty.


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Isn't Finland the same tho?

Fuck off, gook

So many weak appeasers

>POV: You attend a public school in America.

Many US public schools literally don't teach geography at any point. I never took a formal geography class in my education and pretty much any geography I learned was incidental from history classes or stuff I learned on my own after seeing flags here that I didn't recognize.

Look at that Change g from 18 and 65

why are fossils always so bloodthirsty