Why is it a shit country to live in?

Why is it a shit country to live in?

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Because it's full of Poles

Not enough Ukrainians

Because it's full of Poles

full of shit people

Proximity to Russia

Because they killed all the jews

It is?

Stop bullying Indonesia you wannabe Sharter.

Way too many white people

Because it's full of Ukrainians

its not

>its not

It's a 2nd world country, so it's not exactly shit, but you won't have the same professionalism and care as in Western Europe. For example healthcare is worse. Education is quite good though, except universities it's without a doubt better than in the West, where they have just jelly in their heads.

50 years of communism will do that

I don't think it's that bad, Poland is a safe country and it is going through a period of growth

full of poles, otherwise beautiful country

because we have western prices and 3rd world wages, nobody can afford shit, people hate everyone else, nobody ever smiles (not surprising, there's nothing to be happy about), everything is grey, weather is shit, anyone who can earn a bit of money for himself uses it to get out of this shithole and everyone who's too old to get out uses all his brainpower to exploit others

We're working on it.
...And picrel counts only those paying taxes to our insurance system. It is estimated to be only about half of the total number.

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This is what I thought I would get when I lived in Poland

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this is what I really got

Attached: 1591664766675.jpg (1917x1078, 1.59M)

You could've.
If only you were black, or dark brown at least.

Oh no poor private gomez

>private gomez
post-graduate fellowship. and I'm white.