Are incels a problem in your cunt?

Are incels a problem in your cunt?

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Der pp gehen in vegana. Why are they like this?

me on the right

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me on the right but i dont care and i dont do half of the shit it says
i just look autistic
and im 178

A woman looked at me today and gave me a smile. I don't know what the smile ment. She was way above my league.

me on the left but with the mindset of the right

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No, Luckily you are not in my country

yes, and you've guessed it, its me

Why cant you just act normal?

Incels literally are just woman-brained.

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What the fuck is mewing

And also jelqing


>Mewing is the placement of the tongue on the roof of the mouth, which proponents say can reshape the face and help correct orthodontic, breathing, and facial structural issues

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Heavily fixated on the opinion of others to the point of chronic social-obsessiveness.

I do everything in the pic but it's not working

Wtf i look like this

You will never be incel

This is just called being an autist
>t. Has autism


Attached: huh.gif (320x200, 559.81K)

I injured my back once and sometimes I was walking like that dude. My friends made fun of me the whole day XD
Don't you naturally keep your tongue like that?