
ermm, lads? edition

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*opens a fresh barm*
go on, stick it in there then

haven't been able to get a girl to have sex with me since taking the vaccine. coincidence?

Sucking a fat one

They should keep taking the birth-control pill then

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The 20% of women who haven't had sex in the past year are munters though

what about the men

>no epistomeological primacy in this - eg a father is a father by virtue of his children, he can't be a father without his children, whereas a child literally cannot exist without a parent -
this is like an example of per accidens not per se causation though to use scholastic terminology. the theist does not deny per accidens causation exists but denies that this is how the world works. in simple terms the theist rejects a deistic view of an absent god. the classic description of per se causation is an arm a stick and a rock. the arm moves the stick that moves the rock. if the arm stops moving the stick then the rock stops moving. so in the sense that the father only becomes the father because he begets the son - sure. but the way god interacts with the world is per se causation. everything at everymoment is necessarily caused by him and if he stopped everything he stopped fundamentally supporting would vanish hence he is a necssary being not a contingent one (and i have written on that earlier).
> there is no priority in this explanation it is circular.
this is usually seen as something one wants to avoid!
>since things depend on other things
but this is contrary to logic. to give an extreme example the "fact" that a subatomic particle exists does not change the whole structure of reality i.e. if it stopped existing then the world would be entirely different and is therefore "necessary". this claim just seems ludicrious. so ok the buddhist then asserts actually there is no subatomic particle it's just part of this changing mass but then we are back to pure contingency problems of everything being entirely contingent (and again wrote on problem of this before). if we try to assert everything as either necessary or contingent then we end up simply brute facting it i.e. it is because it is. this has no explanatory power (cf that the theist brute forces god) at best and just leads to problems of necessity like above at worst..

get in derrr de lad fresh female harems all round

*puts a couple of strips of bacon inside*
go on scran it then

walked past a tranny today and he was 6'2" with a 5 oclock shadow but thought sticking a green wig and some leggings on was enough to compensate

not shagged for 8 years me

wasnt worth posting the first time

imagine claiming to be an incel if you didn't have sex in only one year.
it's like claiming well last year i made 20k instead of 200k like usual so i'm poor now

Doing poo retention to build testosterone

*scoffles it whole before he has a chance*

if anyone itt has the nerve to be a straight cis white male I WILL have a problem with it

Oh my days

are you an incel, diego? by definition, removing all negative connotations and social stigma surrounding the word

women are lying though

Save the pubs Boris

never taking it

What a fucking fanny.


im all of those things but I look like this

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I think more and more men are slowly starting to realize that the return of investment you get by chasing tail is simply just not worth the effort. What can a woman offer you besides a moist hole between her legs?

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just walked by a 6'5" rugby lad with a dress on but when i smelled the female perfume they were wearing i realise they were a female and i said to myself this one is shaggable

Having big lips is considered ugly in Asia. Mad

The solution is for women to get sluttier and easier.

mad how someone did an anime of my dad

haven't been able to get a girl to have sex with me

t. Big lips

mental saw a girl like this with cock and balls and shoulders broader than mine that I let fuck me except it wasn't a girl and I'm bent

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I have
it's surprisingly easy

My strategy; ask 1,000 to have sex. 1 or 2 are bound to say yes

Why did you crop it? Because he's right and you got dabbed on epic style?

toilstein has seriously downgraded the quality of the toilet paper in work, just went for a poo there and my arsehole is red raw feels like mikey's must after an average weekend

I had a girl say she'd 'Do me the favour' after finding out I was virgin when I was 17 but nothing ever came of it.

even as a neet?

Nearly two months sober de lads

>you got dabbed on epic style

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>in the last year
oh ffs

doubt this actuallt happened


I haven't had sex in 5 years and stink of stale piss, but this is why you should listen to my political worldview

what a king

The solution is for men to to either treat them for what they are i.e. whores or disregard them completely. There is nothing more powerful than a man who has risen above his need for sexual desires

that meg woman can have him, what a disgrace to this country that man is

When are we killing Catholics again together lads?
New Lord Protector, Dutch king, slaughter some Fenians.

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The ruling class of Britain, royalty especially, have always loved a bit of nazism.

The crown news?

>*police siren*
>*hip hop music*

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you may have been legally not able to consent to that, from the way you describe the situation

how can you go without sex for 1 week even?

any /takeaway/ man in? what are you ordering tonight?

Lord of da Wogs


that's just because of 'rona and lockdowns

getta loada dem blings: return of da kangz


I'm still here.
>the arm moves the stick that moves the rock.
yes if you impute separate identities onto the stick, arm and rock, you could describe it in this way, but that is your imputation, and that imputation depends on the things you are describing. in a senes the arm can only be described as an arm, (something separate from the stick) by virtue of the stick. the arm's separateness as a player in this explanation wouldn't make sense.
>this is usually seen as something one wants to avoid!
>if it stopped existing then the world would be entirely different and is therefore "necessary".
the Buddhist argument is less so a butterfly effect type explanation moreso that there is an explanatory regress and that every explanation is superseded with further assumptions and explanations. also since they are not asserting anything as metaphysically there, they are not trying to answer the counterfactual of what would happen to the world if you removed a single bee from existence, since they're not really that hot on existence as a concept.

>if we try to assert everything as either necessary or contingent then we end up simply brute facting
this is a bit of a misunderstanding. everything is continent upon itself and so when you actually think aobut it, everything is indeterminate. apparent reality is a sort of demonstrably inaccurate solipism.

when i said it doesn't let you remove yourself from the mind. that you even conceive of things as individual things, or as having causes, is all preceded by the mind.

Rorke getting upset about the skin colour of characters from his favourite comics. Oh my dayssss

how can one woman be so based (and fit)

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>the arm's separateness as a player in this explanation wouldn't make sense
without the stick*

black people rioting and looting over Black Panther 2 where it's 99% white people

Lord of the (chicken) wings

simply silly

rorke taking leftypol to the little ice cream place they went on their first date.

skin colour is a social construct

>You don't understand, they're not using the right skin colour!!

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Getting an erection thinking about the 12 inch deep pan hot kebab pizza I will be eating just a few hours from now

It’s time.

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yall crackers don't understand Tolkien ignored his own work stop being racist this is 2022

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