Do white people feel white guilt?

Do white people feel white guilt?

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Better yet, why do brown people (like pic related) view themselves as white?

Reminder that white people are basically north western europeans, Iberians and other brownies are honorary POCs, why do this braindead idiots don't realize it?

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just say it faggot

>brown eyes
>im a white man
yeah sure whatever

If you aren't an Anglo, a German/austrian or Scandianavian/ Dutch

you aren't white, simple as, only those people mentioned have white priviledge and are the main culprits of European evil actions abroad

he isn't even white he looks like some kind of medoid


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They are white, plus genocidal colonialism , they are double evil

>They are white


>The brown deciding who's white and who isn't


Not really, I do feel sometimes firstie guilt because we are destroying the planet and thirdies are paying for it

>thirdies are paying for it
How, they have no money

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Retarded colonial
You are white, your ancestors left their home to exterminate two entire continents


>brownie Italian living in the US getting mad at hard facts

If you have brown eyes, brown hair """"olive""""" skin, you are brown you delusional retard, white people are pink, have light features, and usually of wealth and colonial backgrounds, Italians and Spaniards were the peasants of europe by the time white people were conceptualized

I'm not mad at anything,frankly I don't give a shit about whiteness like self-hating mexicans like you. You know why? Because we live in a subverted kike society where everyone has equal opportunity the only shit that matters anymore is how much money and status you have. Just because you're a blond blue-eyed Aryan as you put it doesn't mean shit unless you got money.

Still, I find it funny that a Mexican who's self admittedly brown thinks their opinion on who's white and who's not matters.

Attached: mexicano.jpg (294x334, 13.59K)

>projects all his brownie insecurities
>Jews want to make Meds to belive they are not white!

hahahahhahahahah the absolute state of brownies

>Do white people feel white guilt?
Only guilt is not being able to fuck more brown boys.

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