When is America doing this?

Instead of lecturing India constantly on Muslim rights while practicing none themselves.

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>brown amerifaggot comments on india
>indian retard spergs out at white politicians who don't give a fuck about india and can't even point "Karnataka" on a map
many such cases

indians should actively aim to compromise US institutions and destroy them for within.

I always say, instead of trying to rationalise, accelerate.

Asians and Indians of America, instead of calling to end affirmative action, should call for affirmative action even in parliament, senate and courts for PoC.

Fuck over Ws as much as you can. Keep fucking them over until it boils or the system collapses, then carve out a nation out of America for yourself. They started this shit against you. And don't forget that Bs aren't your allies. Fuck over Ws and Bs, polarise them against each other and breed the grounds for civil war. You don't have to die, poor Ws and Bs will. You can live in the 50th floor SF apartment while poor Ns and Ws kill each other on the streets. That ought to be the goal.

>"based x" twitter accounts
I thought 2016 was 6 years ago.

Thats the UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. A Federal Government official. Not just any "brown faggot"

>US whites are less than 50% of the population
Where does the pajeet get these ridiculous numbers?

Why are Indians such fucking schizos? They're almost China-tier whenever anyone else says something about their country, settle the fuck down you thirdie rats

Fuck I hate India

changes nothing, sir

Jeet is right. actual whites are probably around 40-50%. the definition of "white" in US census is bizarre. just look at all those criminals classified as "white"

And keep in mind that the "white in senate" is a blue eyed anglosaxon while the "white in criminal" is a brown Hispanic guy LARPing as white

Attached: whitoids.jpg (720x405, 95.1K)

the best part about Indian schizos on Twitter is that they're fully aware about American politics and can use America's internal political ammo against them. not to mention that India and America have very similar ethnic politics

while Chinese schizos generally aren't as racebaiting and only keep talking about random shit like COVID deaths US invasion etc that doestn matter to an avg american

America is so brown that even their nazis are mulattos.

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I think that's supposed to be a jab at gays, not whites my feces covered friend,

All twitter fags should kill themselves including you

Buddy who do you think will protect pajeets in this event? You aren't a protected class, whites don't feel guilt towards you, blacks will attack whoever.

US is not white country now

>US whites are less than 50% of the pop
Not true

>Like India does for its backwards groups
What? Sounds really racist to me.

>Muslim personal law and shariah courts
Racist fearmongering and dogwhistling.

USA ABSOLUTELY has problems with Islamaphobia, especially amongst the MAGA/GOP sets. But uh. This ain't it chief.

I can never take an Indian on the internet seriously because I know what they look, sound and act like IRL.

Unless 49% of your parliament candidates do not belong to Backward Castes, you cannot form a government of India by law.

For provinces like Tamil Nadu, BCs must form 90% of the provincial government. For my state (Bihar) it is 60%.

East Asian stuff is just far more alien to the west compared to Indian stuff. Indians just have a lot more similiarities and can use this to an advantage.

Americans look at this weirdly but believe me this is your future. In future, one can expect the Senate to have a fixed percentage of PoCs at the bare minimum.

> Backward Castes
Sounds really racist, but apparently this is an official term. In the USA, calling someone backward is an insult, meaning stupid or primitive. I thought this is what OP was doing, calling ethnic minorities stupid etc.

Good morning sir.

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