The last /deutsch/ meetup

the last /deutsch/ meetup

Attached: 460254_412289798797534_795481230_o.jpg (2048x1155, 551.04K)

*Roll credits*

not a single brownoid in sight... just a bunch of aryan studs

the lads

>plastic bags
This must be quite old, or do you still have these in Germany?

In Austria the climate hysterics banned them long time ago, despite being very practical...

>the last
why won't there be another?

Fat racists

too much doxing

>next /deutsch/ meetup whe-ACK

They all look like grandma's hand exercise equipment

Attached: 8F152E2B-6CF2-4FB1-B174-23B086B7E8C4.jpg (1200x968, 164.57K)

Looks more like an mlp meet up

based suit wearer

Kek Germans look like Americans

If only they had taken a shower, things would've surely turned out differently.

>those are the people calling you subhuman on Any Forums

There is a severely handicapped (100%) frozen foods programmer in /deutsch/ that stalks people


>frozen foods programmer
i'm sorry?

Ich mit der müllertüte

The Slovenian?

He's not a programmer he only knows abap

he works for bofrost and his name is banned text

He lives in a care home nowadays but still publishes rap videos on YouTube when Asperger hits too badly