America is truly a beacon of humanitarianism

America is truly a beacon of humanitarianism

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Thank you for your service, Danny. Here's your $500,000 hospital bill. Don't forget to tip!

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Are the Americans even human anymore?

Do ftm meat sausages need to circumcised too?

>he's fitter than me
it's over.

a truly sick society

all those massacres they committed were not going to be free.

You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension

I will never forget what Americans did to LOTR and the Witcher
Next American I see gets stabbed
My girlfriend was born in California but she doesnt count

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I'd be more concerned about how they have actively undermining European sovereignty and economy rather than making shit fantasy movies with brown people in them, THOUGH.

>how they have actively undermining European sovereignty
Inserting subversive shit into our culture is not part of that? first they change fantasy then they try to change history, the UK already portrays blacks in the middle ages
If you were to rise a child in Europe today you would had to teach him that minorities didnt exist before 1970 because they are bombarded with misleading media and they assume blacks in Dublin is normal and always has been

SHE gets free anabolic steroids for life

do you think any mpreg fujos transition to fufill their fantasies?

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so do i out of my ballsack right?

Beautiful, so happy we ditched traditional morality in the 1960s in favour of this

your ballsack produces anadrol?

Liberalism be like
>lets wipe out entire ethnoses and people's cultures in the name of "human" rights

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I don't know what any of that means, but I'm pretty sure it's your fault.


How did it get pregnant after having a meat thing stitched on?

please kill me shit's fucked out here