Why does WMAF makes white roasties seething so much?

Why does WMAF makes white roasties seething so much?

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Quit fetishizing Asian women like this and have sex already.

>Quit fetishizing Asian women like this and have sex already.
But isn't Vietnam Asian? I think that it is ok for him to like Asian women.

it makes everyone seethe
>makes sense to do
>but usually fucking weirdos do it so it looks bad

OP is Private Hernandez
He overslept his flight and never left.

How would you feel if you were an Asian woman but Asian men were skipping over you so they can be with white roasties instead? I think that this is how white roasties feel.

it doesn't
this is an incel racist cope fantasy, nobody gives a fuck about interracial relationships other than racists

White women hate Asian women

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cope and seethe you will never get a visa and you will never marry a rich westoid

At what point does it become Elizabeth Warren tier to claim Chinese culture?

>have a mother that knows how to cook good food
>don't cook with her to leech sweet experience
do people really?

r u tight and docile?

Okay zhang

Kek it's actually true, I was in a pub one time with my family and my Mum and aunt started seething about a white guy who was there with an asian woman

There is not a single attractive Asian woman. I stand proud as an Australian who isn't yellow fever obsessed. Those people are not Aussies, they are traitors who compromise Australia's national security by bringing in spies and wumao. Well honestly, they're just ugly and the fake pale thing is a bit gross. It's like they're desperate to be white. Geisha are hideously hilarous

I am a full blown incel and I've never seen white roasties seethe at wmaf relationships

god the both ugly
thank god for being MED

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Lol but white men are going after Asian women because white women can't stop riding big black cocks in the first place

are you tight and docile asking seriously

I can't really explain it either, it is just a preference to me too. I don't have anything against white women and the Asian woman could talk like a black gangster rapper for all I care.

>mixracing with insects


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desu it's amwf no wmaf

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Dudes who struggle with white women can generally do better with asians
Asian women tend to be more feminine and age slower making white women look bad and resentful which makes them attack racemixers in social settings
>Race Loyalty
Some people just don't like the idea of mixing in order to preserve ethnicity, it's usual worse for black/white but still applies here

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Same reason why white nerds seethe about black man-white female relationships, I suppose.

These don't happen here yet, so I wouldn't know

girls will be fine
make the boys lift weights and play guitar
simple as