Well, Any Forums?

Well, Any Forums?

Attached: whyaremostbigcompaniesrunbyindians.png (823x811, 339.92K)

Why do you always make these threads

> 1/6th of the entire world's population
> "Huh it's really weird that so many companies have ethnically-Indian CEOs"
Weird, it's almost statistically likely.

one day we will leave tribalism and race behind us. One day we will not talk about people as black white asian indian but as HUMAN. This day is not far now. The singularity is upon us.

What will America look like 2100?
Will Indians own everything?
Will Chinese perform the functions of the managerial bourgeois?
Will Afro-Anglos and Chicanx merge into one?

Because they do the needful

The only way to do that is to make everyone homogeneous. That’s why mixed race couples as pushed so much here by our media


Attached: Schwab-Klaus-World-Reset.png (311x276, 87.4K)

Great work ethic and culture which promotes subordination to your betters and intellectual pursuits
Cope. How come the same Pajeets you make fun in "cow dung" threads become the intellectual and financial elites as soon as they leave their poor country which have been robbed and pillaged by the Anglo menace for centuries and migrate to England or America?

So that's the american mind.

Work ethic is a meme
successful people are born rich

>same Pajeets
Not him but the pajeets that come to the west are top tier pajeets, like the best 0.0001% pajeets. Why do you think India has a brain drain crisis? All of the would-be instigators of change are leaving.
And it’s ironic considering how much people praise diversity here. Who knew the answer to all of our problems was to make everyone of the same race lel

easier to steer

> why do thirdies suddenly become successful when they grow up in western culture

>T.Lazy fatty fingol

do you notice that the companies with Indian CEOs were never founded by them

They're figureheads to appeal to the Indian market

Honestly this could be a motivation behind it too. It’s surely working because any time an Indian is announced as the next ceo of whatever company, Indians on the internet go bat shit and gobble it up. Smart move on behalf of the executives.

As smart as the Chinese, but without losing their ambition or imagination

>best 0.0001% pajeets
Today I learned that I am one of the best 0.0001% pajeets. Lol the US is fucked if that's the case

They don't realise fucking dalit and streetshitting Biharis will also outcompete them and they haven't even properly entered the american market. Those guys are just dealing with smelly obedient south. Indians abo right now.