What are people thinking about hapas in you're cunt?

What are people thinking about hapas in you're cunt?
Wtf I love kazakhstan now

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Moving to Kazakhstan right now.

Russians be like
>noviop bad!!11
I'm thinking they lied bros

>Kazakh father was a jobless loser

She's more filter than flesh

I wish we mutted correctly like that out here
also I'm not sure if daddd is a neet or a glowie

I hate women so much it's unreal.

Take meds Cody. Gl_wie are a myth.

Yeah mutting with Africans mightve been bad

can neets glow?

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Pressure wash off the makeup and hair dye.
There are much better looking turks/hapas/asians here in this region.

Dios mio el atrocidad de las orient...........



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Don't ask too many questions Cody

That's a boy.

In your dreams bruhh she's too cute

>185cm tall

He was based neet

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no please surely it's because she's just an exceptional

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Growth hormone disorder. Shame she didn't get slightly bigger boobs too that she can smother me with.


cm tall
Yes, made for secks


My queen