
what's the general consensus in your country about sex?

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>le good



>a myth

>no nossex


>everyone has it except me

>women lie they're not having it
>men lie they're having it

The consensus is that there are three types of women: the whore, the slut and the bitch
>the whore
has sex with everyone
>the slut
has sex with everyone but you
>the bitch
has sex only with you

A lot of people are trying to have sex but they're gross and dysgenic. It's more about pornography. Pornography informs their sexualities and their interactions. So, no one has actually had sex. They just masturbated into someone else.

>They just masturbated into someone else.
I hear that a lot coming from incels

I'm not a Choco bar btw I'm a zogbot

What does sex even feel like?

And me

I don't know, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's not as good as it's made out to be

Moist, warm and with hints of urine

Well it's weird because sex is readily available if you're just not obese and will physically be there. But the sexual prospects are essentially not human. So it feels empty and dirty. This is not an indictment of cooming so much as the low ceiling and lower floor of American women.

You see what I'm talking about guys?

It's not great until you've been with a decent person for a while, of which there's none in Anglo cunts.

Do you suffer in France? They don't seem gross and dumb like Anglos but I've never found them attractive. Kind of bitchy.

It is not recommended to have sex in Poland

When I fuck my gf I sometimes unironically close my eyes and think about fucking a girl from porn. Not all the time though.

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French girls are attractive and outgoing
Rather easy to find some nice and easy to live with ones

But you are mistaking the ability to suffer with the lack of opportunities
Because in every opportunity there is possible suffering
And the only way to not suffer is to have no opportunity to do so.