Italian savages

Italians destroyed the Mausoleum of Augustus who belonged to Nordic Romans

>Badly damaged by centuries of ferocious predation, spoliation of its ornamental materials and by the reuse of its masonry as a foundation for other buildings, the vestiges that remain are only a pale reflection of its original appearance

>Most of the facing, decorative and ornamental elements of the building have disappeared over time, looted for the construction of other buildings, or deliberately destroyed.

More than 20 Nordic Roman people were buried there. It was a sacred place. Now all the bodies disappeared because of Italian savages.

I feel bad.
Nordic Roman race built in France this temple :

For Augustus also but the difference is that this temple is in perfect condition despite 2000 years old

Attached: 1280px-Mausoleo_Augusto_1851.jpg (1280x806, 305.94K)

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Pretty ugly if you ask me

Modern Italian savages prefer that, I understand.

Attached: 1145540_8686631-naples-20101213-t103a.jpg (500x405, 73.34K)

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Why didn't they just breed?

Pure is rare, it's the beauty of it

So why are you complaining? you should be happy.

They destroyed my Mausoleum

Augustus was Calabrian btw.

It's our stuff, we'll do what we want with it. You only did your duty by preserving OUR building in your country until now

>Nordic Roman

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>>Nordic Roman

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Varg please.

Pharaoh Ramesses II and his family were red-haired and pale-skinned. In Egypt, red hair was associated with descendants of the god Seth, proving white people made up the ruling class.
Blue-eyed statues of merchants, aristocrats and kings. Enough said.
Were invaded by R1a Indo-European people from Central Asia. We know for a fact that Central Asian Indo-European peoples had light features: the Iranic Alans were described by the Romans as blonde-haired and pale-skinned, as for the Tocharians we have proof of their light features (the Tarim Basin mummies). Indo-Iranian peoples differentiated themselves from the people they ruled with the moniker Arya and its derivatives, meaning "noble". This was true of course of the aforementioned Alans ("Alan" is a cognate of Aryan), but also of the Aryans who invaded India, who certainly didn't mix with the local non-Aryans (aka commoners) for a certain period of time.
Founded by Indo-Europeans. The dates given by ancient Chinese historians for the start of the Shang dynasty correlate with the introduction of the wheel in China, an Indo-European invention, and the ruling class appears to have practised horse burial, an Indo-European practice, for a few centuries afterwards. It comes to no one's surprise that the Sinitic word for "wheel" is thought to have come from Indo-European, perhaps due to the aforementioned Tocharians and/or Iranian tribes of Central Asia, whose light features are well attested.

Indoeurochinks belong to Asia.

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Have you ever thought it might've been the goths or the normans or whoever else came down there?

sorry I needed them bricks

cry more about it faggeau

Concept art vs final product

Attached: Photographs_of_the_Mausoleum_of_Augustus_14_(cropped).jpg (1434x1024, 352.23K)

They destroyed this site for more than 2000 years, that is why it looks like nothing now

gonna cry? piss you pants? shit yourself?

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>Nordic Roman race

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You don't deserve Nordic Roman heritage. French gov should take Roman héritages which are in Italy to put them in France


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