I fucking hate living in this backwards bigoted country...

I fucking hate living in this backwards bigoted country, without a single international hub city to live the same kind of experience you can have in London or Berlin. Even Milan is just a poor insignificant shithole compared to those and the art scene and international appeal cannot compete. I wish I could leave but all the novax retards in this country means that no one wants to let a potential health hazard into their country so I'm stuck here.
Does this happen in your country?

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>international hub
>art scene
Only women care about these things and you will never be one

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Ok terun fuorisede

Finding a place to rent in London is really difficult at the moment

Just go on holiday you can get flights for like £10

Please kys.

You are exactly the kind of people I want to move away from.

Come to London, I know many Italians working here.

>I just LOVE the hustle and bustle of a diverse metropolis!

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>lives in the Schengen area
Just move out you whiny bitch

I actually wish to be as far away from them as possible.

are you the permaseething faggot? you will never be accepted by normal men

Berlin is a shithole don't comr here

If you haven't noticed, there is a deadly pandemic going on atm and thanks to retarded boomers believing conspiracy theories about the vaccine shots, there are severe travel limitations going on.

Does Russia Jr. even have a metropolis? I thought it was mostly small villages and derelict concrete shells from 50 years of communism.


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you sound like an insecure larper. remember to develop a personality before trying to improve your situation by a change of scenery, or you will find your own shortcomings ruining everything for you regardless. there is no mythical "other place" where a shallow human being incapable of original thought and agency is magically genuinely appreciated.

no, we don't have a designated black people containment city

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Does Israel jr even have a metropolis? I tought it was mostly sprawling suburbs and derelict inner city slums form 50 years of nigger habitation

>I’m a retarded idiot europoor who just watched a video about America on YouTube, now I’m an expert on the country!
Fucking hate that attitude. There aren’t even that many blacks in LA dumbass


racist fucks

Milan and Paris are the fashion capitals for normies though and Venice Film festival is also big. Rome is the eternal city breathing more history than entire continents (*cough* america )

And they are all culturally dead, tiny, provincial cities filled with bigoted backward people.

>There aren’t even that many blacks in LA dumbass
well there's certainly enough to control your lives

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