I hate my country :(

I hate my country :(

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I hate mine too

Post on int so you can hate on the usa too

At least your women are attractive

Your country is full of woman and retard old farts. You can literally just husle old farts and join the commie party and profit. Stop being afraid nothing is worst then sitting at home putting up with family. Nothing

i hate brazilians

You should be proud.

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Why? Its a tropical paradise with refined and happy people

I hate your country too

O mi Deus ayuda a mis hermanos venezolanos q sufren de comunizm y drogas. Amin

I hope things get better

yeah, you would be right

Which state are you from, venebro?


>70% people in extreme poverty
>95% people in poverty
>Largest inflation of the world (literally)
>Socialist dictatorship
>Corrupted dictator that made himself rich stealing the country.

Mis condolencias.

Proud of what? Chavez is a retarded, ignorant communist piece of shit.

Do you eat mcdonalds, chapparro?

I'm from the good part lol, Las Mercedes.

Sometimes, but I prefer Subway or KFC

So you are oligarco by venezolano standarts? Do you grow your own hemp?

Latinas are goddess in general tho.

Yankee bootlicker.

No, I'm not rich. I work freelance via home office and I gain sightly more than the average, 300$ a month.

(Still poor as hell for international standards).

Are you planning on migrating to chile? And join that group now crossing the border?

Sorry for hating the dude that literally fucked up the economy of my country. Retarded thankie.

Enjoy Alberto Fernández and his Ministry of Feminist and Gender Equality

I also hate my shithole country too :'(

I'm moving to Spain next year. I have the nationality and the passport.