I do be named after 2 biblical characters. What do be you named after?

I do be named after 2 biblical characters. What do be you named after?

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King of the dwarves...

Not named after anythign btu my name means "Pleasure"

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Hello David Avram.

>What do be you named after?
a biblical character

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after my father.

I mean elves, why do I always have to be so retarded.

After no one
I have a cool name tho

A biblical name that is originally Greek.

Named after my great uncle who was a paratrooper and pilot during WW2
He died in from wounds after plane crash sadly

i got named "the big" and i am tall

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hi alex

Named after a poet

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After a Roman god of war.


the prophet (pbuh)

I'm named after my two grandgranduncles Karl and Erich that died in WWII.

Nope, it's the embarrassingly diminutive sounding Martino.

Yvo a french saint from normandie. My old fart was really into theology

I be named after Norwegian kings.

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My name comes from an old norse name.
It's very old so no one is entirely sure about it's meaning but it seems to be most likely that it means "sole ruler" or possibly "eternal ruler".

I really don’t like my first name, my middle name and last name are fine but my first name is always associated with annoying people

p.. i mean denis?

Biblical and a spic place name

Okay Erik.
