I'm 5'5", 170 lbs, with a hot non-German girlfriend who worships me. Jealous?

I'm 5'5", 170 lbs, with a hot non-German girlfriend who worships me. Jealous?

Attached: IMG_20220114_140839.jpg (553x720, 109.55K)

No because my wife is Japanese (and ninja).


Is she Japanese THOUGH?


Nice, a ninja wife

Pretty much

Japanese gf? Why yes

Attached: images (3) (11).jpg (738x415, 18.67K)


>3 people in this thread got a Japanese gf/wife
my lads...
I don't plan to marry because it means I'll have to move, but for now it's all good.


is she jk?

you don't have a Japanese gf Ikiboon

How about 5'5 in Germany?

Yes of course


do you plan to invade pearl harbor together this San Valentine?

Well maybe

A 5'4 black kid from my school used to slay pussies.

Why call Africans black you have same skin color

This is me. Except I'm white and also taller

I remembered a reddit post where a guy lied to his friends and family about his girlfriend being Japanese when in actuality she was Chinese because he loved japs girls but couldn't get one so he played make-Believe. His gf got angry after discovering this and dumped him afterwards.

Op's gf is either imaginary or chinese (he said she was chinese in another thread).

Jap girls are overrated
