Wow, Bulgarians are so selfless!

Good on these Bulgarians! If only Australians could be so caring.

Attached: mqnjcdtgx5h81.jpg (640x622, 83.73K)

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It’s just a PR stunt

Not to her

She's just gonna get bullied even more now.

Things must not happen much there for this to be something the president would get himself involved in

I feel bad for downies.
If we can't cure them, I'm not sure if it's okay to sentence them to a pointless life.
They can never fully function, they can't have kids, the peak of life achievement for them is working as a cashier in a shop, most of them need 24/7 care like a baby that never grows up. I'd hate to live like this.

the prime minister looks like the Macedonian skitzo.

There's a downie boy I often see in the park nearby working out. He is so pure and innocent in his communication, it's kinda sad knowing that people will talk behind his back

in iceland they want people to abort kids with down syndrom if i remember correctly, so they basically don't have downies there

Why do you even weigh in to this you abort them anyway

Bro WTF... They can do simple jobs and won't try to do anything bad like basically every employee in Spain. They will be happy really

>it's kinda sad knowing that people will talk behind his back
Why is there so much meanness. Had to almost get in a fight with some dumbfucks on a night’s out because they were openly making fun of a downie too. Guy didn’t even do anything, he just passed by them

Attached: 2F86F013-A8D9-46FE-882F-1A8FB13C18B9.jpg (251x201, 9.75K)

In ancient Greece, people left the retarded in the woods to die

Ah yes do selfless he also told the media he was doing so and when

why are you @ing me? I only spoke to the icelandic dude because in iceland they test for down's sydnrome and abort by law

Life is pointless for normal humans. Give a Downie some cookies and they'll live a happy existiance then you
T. Knower

Funny how fyrom is a corrupt shithole and the President thinks this is a good use of his time. In better world no retardads and politician would exist

Slander i had the bad luck to work woth retards for a few months and you havr to explain them every single day how to wash a dish i would do everything alone in a fraction of the time the retardads took to wipe theyre ass. Seriously they useless, yoh want to birth this shit? Sure but do it on your dime why should my taxes go for this shit? Pay people to have healthy kids not retardads

As it should be

I don't think they tell them what they should do, I think the just changed the law so that you're allowed later abortion if it turns out the fetus has downs.
And since then not a single baby with downs has been born on Iceland.

I love people with Downs.
Besides, they’re capable of more than you give them credit for.
I bet you’re more of a mentally ill slob than this guy: