Arabs larping as Italians: the country

>Arabs larping as Italians: the country

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>Arabs larping as Italians: the country

Attached: Italy.jpg (1234x1600, 371.21K)

The most Internet-famous Maltans are a gay couple who own some cute shiba inus.

Arabs larping as italians is literally everything below rome lol

Maltese are good people and Catholics and that is all that matters

But that’s not Sicily and Catania’s map tho

>Arabs larping as Turks and Arabs larping as Greeks: the country

Attached: alashiya.png (1600x1326, 1.44M)

Maltese hit their dogs.

Abominations larping as humans: the country.

They are still italic. They were greeks who were assimilated by arabs because they had a small population. Then got conquered by sicily.

Attached: Maltano.jpg (1080x586, 117.96K)

Had sex with a guy from here. Gave him a footjob it was wild

>Arabs larping as Italians: the country

Attached: america.jpg (1200x841, 402.2K)

>Arabs larping as Italians: the planet

Attached: earth.jpg (1920x1080, 333.44K)

You will always be Arabs. YWNBW. YWNBW. YWNBI

False, I only larp as Phoenician

>let me tell you about your country

who are they? never heard of them

What's this? A nursery rhyme?

I don’t understand why Maltese don’t embrace their Arabness. Their language is Arabic, plus Roman alphabet and Catholicism. That’s cool and something to be proud of, not a source of shame.

Also, it sounds like a good way to rustle the jimmies of Arab Muslims.

You will never be white.
You will never be Italian.
You will never be Evropean.

That applies to you too.

True but I never claimed to be.

I'm not claiming anything either.

>11% Nafri

Imagine the smell.

Why is int the most gay board


The only thing that survived from Arab times was part of the language spoken by the very few people who lived there.

Otherwise they left us no structures like what we see in Spain for example, as well as no records indicating what they did with the place. For all we know they could have used it only as a pit-stop on their way to Sicily, which was always more important/inhabited than Malta historically. There's really not much to embrace except a few Muslim graveyards in Gozo

If anything, you foreign shits throw around more claims about what we are than we ourselves do. At least be knowledgeable of what you're talking about if you're going to throw around claims.

Where is the best place to find slutty Maltese girls

spain was conquered by berber bvlls, arabs left quite quickly from there