Why Do Stupid European Languages Have Stupid Plurals?

Clearly, plurals are not necessary for human language.
For example, Japanese and Chinese do not have it and they work very fine.
Europeans, please don't be stupid anymore.

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kill yourself right this instant giant megafaggot

I don’t get what you mean. Wouldn’t you wanna differentiate between having one chair and having many chairs? How are plurals stupid, exactly
The only stupid thing is listening to East Asians speaking English. They always neglect the s at the end of words when they want to talk about more than one object.

>plurals-let seething

Be not mad, boy.
You can learn our superior languages :)

seems weird for us, but in Japanese it does work surprisingly well without them. but while it doesn't have plural inflections of words it does have pluralizing suffixes and plural words (e.g. 私たち; 彼ら; 人々).

Is the number of chair so important?
If you want to emphasize the number of pieces, you only need to add the number as an article, right?
Westerners try very hard to distinguish one chair from many by using stupid plurals, but plurals alone cannot distinguish one chair from two.

wait until he learns how many forms of plurar arabic has
you will start loving adding "s" to the end of every word

Yes, It Is.

Yea, we can put pluralizing suffixes to words if we want to emphasize it is plural.
But, in the most cases, the number of object is not important when you talk, is it?

Just say the number, you don't need to additionally add an -s for that.

Why do Europeans think that the distinction between one or two pieces is unimportant when they are so desperate to distinguish between one or more pieces?
If the number of pieces is so important, then a plural form that cannot distinguish between two and three pieces would be meaningless.

Exactly, Asia are still smart.

Brainlet filter.

Even a self-proclaimed neutral cult language like Esperanto had a plural form.
It was also created by Europeans.

>Brainlet filter
Thank you for introducing yourself :)
You will grow a brain one day.


>mfw i just looked up arabic plurals

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Nigga, I'm not the one complaining about rudimentary inflections.

Is this difficult for you or something?

on the contrary, they need more like dual.

It is just stupid from the higher

asians are bugmen

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it can be, but often isn't. sometimes if you don't have enough context it creates ambiguity.
German plurals are quite a bit harder to form than English ones, but not a problem for native speakers. if you removed them you would have to change other grammar too, so it wouldn't be easy. and it would probably only help people like East Asians, while making it harder for people that speak other European languages, because they are so used to plurals.

why don't you remove the counter system (e.g. 一本; 一枚) from Japanese? why do I have to know what kind of object it is to count it? don't be stupid ;)

ᐃᕝᕕᓪᓗ ᐊᔾᔨᐸᓗᒋᒐᒃᑭᑦ.
You and I are not so different.

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No, Japanese and Chinese do not have any duals.
We do not put any plural suffixes or duals. When it comes to the number is important, we just put 1 or 2 or 3 before the word.

The samurai fears the undefined number

Cute Japanese dummy-dumb-dumb

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