Is it common to be a 25 year old kissless hugless hanholdless virgin in your country?

Is it common to be a 25 year old kissless hugless hanholdless virgin in your country?

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no, all girls here are sluts so anyone can get laid with a little effort

Forget women for a moment. You guys have friends?

It is common that people hate me as soon as they meet me.

I swear I am the only one in here who's like that

You are close to 10 years late to the party.
If you dont enter the scene by 16 you are going to be graded as *unknown by all the girls and young women around your generation that started at 14 and 15 and 16.
Being graded as *unknown is worse than being graded poor, bad, ok, good, excellent, etc. as you are pariah outside of the grading system.
Theres nothing to compare against when talking about you.
Imagine a conversation between two young women in their late teens
>oh user never had a gf
>maybe he is gay
>he looks good but can he perform
>generic_chad24 performs very well wink iwnk blush smirk
>yeah I heard from Stacy
>yeah that whore she started with generic_chad 23
>are they still together
>I like generic_chad23 wink wink smirk

hello, shut the fuck up schizo

In these lonely unsociable times I bet it can be.

Hell Oh.
I am not your schizo, mate.

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you must get called a schizo often if you have that pic saved


You must be eating lots of shit, faggot.

kek I got you

Giving out unsolicited diagnosis is a common posting pattern, but it says more about (you) than about me. Faggot.

I'm 24 and a KHV. I've hugged people though

Maybe it's only a common posting pattern from your perspective because people call you a schizo so often

27 y.o. khv

Maybe I fucked your mom 20 years ago and I am maybe your father Luke.

Maybe I r8pe you next week ok?


Try leaving your penal colony prison island first, faggot.

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I do,we've been best friends for over half our life at this point, we still game and all that, sadly he'll get married at some point,(he got plans for it) but that's alright to me,i'm happy that he'll be able to grow a family.

We seems to be the opposite on many things, not with just our personality..but at the same time we're really alot like eachother. maybe it's the way we deal with the world,tackle it..

He trains/I Auschwitz skeleton.
He gf/I'm virgin
He goes outside/I've not gone outside in about 5 years now.
He's outgoing/I rarely talk
But we're almost always able to finish eachothers sentences..

I don't have a gf because it's annoying and takes money,(I tried a few times when i was a lad but it wasn't for me)I suppose that i wouldn't even be able to financially my significant other even if i wanted to at this point)..but other than that i've no desire (perhaps the lack of pleasure i feel(have no desire for) I know that most have one because they want to feel complete, but because of my belief that humans are unable to fully understand eachother(the core of their being i see no reason to(maybe i've not just found the ''one''(that i wanna be a perfect/better me with/for (but then again.. you can't be perfect(but you can always try to be a better you)

I've never had the feeling of ever being alone even if i'm ''alone''..

I wanna try and be a virgin and die til of old age, It sounds like fun to me. Saya challenge.. I don't go outside because i'm somewhat afraid that i'll fall up in space or something, I don't trust the open, much less people at that.. I don't talk alot, I don't know why, hard to say the things inside my head. perhaps I just lack the vocabulary for it..

But from the things i've seen, he trains, get gf because he's somewhat insecure(like most humans are)and instead of getting bitter and all that(like most people) he's actually straving to improve himself, /his body, get the gf he loves etc..) And I truly respect him for that.

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And yes.. I know, I cope.

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Last time I had friends I was like 13. I'm in my mid 20s.


t. 30 year old turbovirgin