Bucking in AmeriKKKa

Bucking in AmeriKKKa

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Land of the free.


why are american police so fat?

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Being an American police officer must be the fastest way to become racist. It's like speedrunning racism

either that or going to a bl*ck school

That's basically winning the goddamn lottery, 500k to get tased? Man America is litterally paradise.

the jews get most of them, the guy would end up with only $10000

>nooo, not my heckin niggerinos!!

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>just learned Buckingham Palace isn't the name of a plantation

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Land of the "free"

And this is the country that criticizes China for having a couple of re-education camps for savage Tusken Raiders.

>land of the free

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What did the cop do wrong?

This is a nice mustache

you CANT suffer in ameriKKKa


me on the bottom with my legs wide open

Did americans really rape slaves to keep them in place?
wtf is wrong with Americans?

If they stopped resisting then the police officer wouldn't have to continue
