Yay ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°

yay ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°

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pewdienigger btfo



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If it weren't for COVID, the Olympics would have been a really hard challenge, hated by the Japanese anyway. Good for Japan.

Fuck Gaijins.

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Citizens dont like Olympics anymore, theyve gotten wise to sports oligarchs making the citizens pay for stadiums while collecting 100% of ad revenues

International students are far smarter and contribute more to a university than you F欄 student

Aren't they Brazilians? Unlike Brazilians in Brazil, Oversea Brazilians are decent people.

t. international student with a perfect iq of 100

Tokyo is ok, but other places are having difficulty with the fast increase of tourists

Kyoto / Hiroshima / Nara are all too busy. It finally felt normal in 2020 when tourism had stopped.

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Based, weebs should suffer.

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Globohomites that hate Japan and want to hurt Japan be like
>Nooo! Now I cant go to Japan and change them!

I think Japanese migration to other countries should increase instead, with communities that make weebs (with money) move to such communities instead of Japan.

Bros... what is he doing to her

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Thank you, based Covid

olympic sports are all dogshit versions anyway

shoulder massage, hes not very good at it

Thank you based kungflu

I got tired of waiting for Japan to open so I ended up buying a car instead of using that money to travel.


Imagine killing yourself because you couldn't get in here

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