If you’re not French, you’re not my friend

If you’re not French, you’re not my friend

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Дoбpoe yтpo mon ami

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Russians nobles and aristocrats were big Oui-aboos back in the day.

That’s exactly the point

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what's the flag to the far left?

Flag of Mongol Empire.
The ornament in it can be found on Mongolias flag, albeit it is bit different.

>russian aristocrats were ouiboos
>communists were french revolutionaboos and initially had the Marseillaise as their anthem
R-russiabros, is there something you want to tell us?

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Russia was always into France. You are far enough from our borders to not feel threatened, but close enough to share common goals

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Imagine if there had been a strong historic alliance between France and Russia. Imagine a world where France and Russia had divided Europe. Imagine a world where the French sided with russia during the Crimean war.

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I am French

Based, fuck Brits

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France is the thinking mans Europe. Losers go for Germany and retards go for Br*tain.

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>this thread

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but they were the main opponent, claimed to be the protector of christians in the ottoman empire or some shit
fucking westoids did everything to keep russia from dismantiling t*rks and accessing the mediterranean

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What about it

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Yeah I amount it to Napoleon III's arrogance. Constantinople could have been in Christian hands again.

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