
Post some international quotes.

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She says that now but she will definitely change her tune when she is old enough to experience BBC

>"We have a problem when a foreign government calls our brothers the enemy of the hemisphere. We are not Haiti, Grenada, Bahamas or Jamaica; we are not a colony that will adhere to decisions under American pressure". Mexican President Adolfo López Mateos statement during the Cuban missile crisis that pit the United States on a brink of nuclear war in Cuba.

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That's a pretty based attitude Tbh

He said it after we shot down the passenger plane over Iran

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don't care
patriotism >>> """reality"""


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Why literally every polish quote is the epitome of butthurt?

>Independent investigations into the incident have presented a different picture. John Barry and Roger Charles of Newsweek magazine claimed that Rogers was overeager for combat, that he started the fight with Iranian gunboats, and then followed them into Iranian territorial waters. Barry and Charles also accused the U.S. government of a cover-up.
>Rogers was personally criticized for being overly aggressive by Commander David Carlson, commanding officer of USS Sides, a second ship that was under the tactical control of Rogers at the time of the incident. Carlson described the downing of the airliner as the "horrifying climax to Capt. Rogers' aggressiveness, first seen four weeks ago". He was referring to incidents on June 2, 1988, when he claimed that Rogers brought Vincennes too close to an Iranian frigate that was searching a bulk carrier, that he launched a helicopter too close to Iranian small boats, and that he fired upon a number of small Iranian military boats instead of directing another, smaller warship to do so. In disagreeing with Rogers' decision – citing the high cost of the cruiser relative to that of the frigates attached to the group – Carlson posited, "Why do you want an AEGIS cruiser out there shooting up boats? It wasn't a smart thing to do."
Are we the baddies?

not sure pls nuke this shithole cheers

>Mutt's Law

Polish culture is centered around butthurt...

The quote of American general that says that Russians lack empathy and humanity, and that he doesn't care to know what their life or motives are except for how much lead you need to kill one in the same sentence

at least we have some culture and unifying factors contrary to belgium, a made up country that cannot even agree upon which language to use

I WISH Asians were that attractive.

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