Do people often visit other continents in your country?

Do people often visit other continents in your country?

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been outside europe
have masters
read holy book al quran al kareem and variety of mangas
spontaneous and omg so random lol cuz allah protects me

I've been to shitaly and I am getting a masters in economics, can I nut?

>Most Brits haven’t left the country
Simply untrue

You sound scorpio.

all stars belong to allah my sign is islam

>business economics
>adverting campaigns
wtf is business economics

t. regular economics postgrad student

She may have just missed a comma between business and economics.

the projection in this post is astounding, speak for me more please

I have been to almost all countries in Europe, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Syria, America, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador, Galapagos, and a bunch of islands in the caribbean.

Haven't been to asia once though (if you dont count russia as asia)

>Most Brits haven’t left the country, those that do simply go to party countries to get drunk like Spain.
> France or Ireland which have the most British tourists.
How can it be that most Brit tourists go to Spain when you've already said France and Ireland have the most British tourists?

Attached: what.gif (500x281, 1.88M)

Heh, I can visit another continent without leaving the country. Landlets BTFO

>learning how to create amazing advertising campaigns
Begone, demon.

made up nonsense like horoscopes.

-Been to 3 different continents
-Never set foot in a Uni
-Last time I read a book was a year ago
-Not spontaneous or scorpio

>haven’t been outside of Europe
I crossed into Canada illegally and stayed for the night when I was up at the boundary waters in northern Minnesota. It was pretty based and my buddies thought it was a hoot. We pretended to be Canadians and screamed the South Park “I’m not your buddy, guy, I’m not your guy, friend” shit at the top of our lungs. Fuck that was a fun trip.
>don’t have a uni degree
I have a 2 year degree
>don’t read books
I read esoteric right wing political books
>not spontaneous
I can be
I’m Leo

Fuck modern women and their retarded standards

>have a phd
>be 9 foot tall
>be well travelled
>read books
>be born in a specific month on a specific day

starting to get unreasonable now

>starting to get unreasonable now
starting to sound like an incel now

Scorpio energy

Attached: scorpio.webm (540x960, 2.79M)

obsession with monkeys?

you wouldn't get it, old man

Attached: monkey.png (1920x1080, 1.83M)

anyone who believes in horoscope is probably not worth more than a few shags.

have fun, don't sweat, know when to dip

I have never been outside of europe but would love to visit Nepal.
Besides that I don't really see the point of traveling when you have a little bit of everything in Europe.