Who was the most dictatorial leader of your country?

Who was the most dictatorial leader of your country?

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The W Bush

Each one has been more dictatorial than the last. The next president will be the worst one yet, no matter who it is.

still is Mark Rutte

We havent had any dictatorial leaders yet, sigh maybe one day then we'll finally be a true thirdie country


aladeen. he was absolutely aladeen desu

Our current Prime Minister

The Queen. Poms heads of state are a stain on Australia

king cnut

Since Nixon executive power has only continued to grow.
Heard some shit about Biden rolling some of it back, but never could confirm.

So who is the most dictatorial pres post nixon?

Ivan IV, Joseph Stalin.


the current one

Attached: bramdon.png (769x612, 147.53K)

>Heard some shit about Biden rolling some of it back,
I don’t think Biden with the direction he’s going has any real intention of rolling it back,


I wonder if that goblino has found out what meme he has been turned into.

Right not his predecessor who has a cult of personality and literally tried to overthrow the government.

Attached: 1604773466114.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>worse than DRUMPHF

Well nothing special, its Seyss Inquart, the Austrian who ruled the Netherlands ruthlessly. For every attack on German soldiers or officials he repaid the price by shooting the same amount of civilians, if your dad was in the resistance your entire family would perish, he got sick and tired of the extinction of the Jews taking too long he sped it up until the Netherlands practically didnt have any native Jews left.

He was so ruthless that nobody came to his help when he was to be executed, he personally ordered the killings of at least over 2000 civilians by gunfire, deliberately let the Dutch starve to death in the North, and crushed any smaller uprisings with financial penalties that deliberatrely ruined entire families.

Nobody likes him, not even staunch neonazis will defend him, he was hanged quickly because his trial was very conclusive towards severe guilt of so many war crimes.

Attached: Hitler-Seyss-Inquart-Vienna-1938.03.16.jpg (1000x1000, 115.81K)

You Americans are dumb, of course its Huey Long.

Attached: huey_long_1050x700.jpg (1050x700, 388.06K)

Kingfish is a personal hero as he did a lot of great for my state :)

It's a three-way tie between Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great and Stalin

these two are trying their best
>outlawing protests
>pure corruption
>p*tel was forced to resign her previous job for undeclared meetings lobbying with israeli officials
>break the laws but don't get punished for it
>punish people who do the same

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I'm English you idiot