Australia doesn't have culture

>Australia doesn't have culture

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Road trains are cool as hell. Good thread Bruce.

Mad Max post apocalyptic wasteland is peak australian culture

This, post large australian aggerate movers aka australian "culture"

Attached: lonely roadtrain.jpg (3072x2047, 1.11M)

So, why not use actual trains?

Maintenance in a wasteland
Not every country has a geographical blessing like the Netherlands

It's easy to forget how massive Australia is because it's also so empty. Imagine trying to build that transcontinental rail. Must not be worth it and I guess trucks have more mobility to go to middle of the nowhere stops like strip mines.

a truck isnt culture

Heard there are plans to dig a channel through Australia so it will become rain forest again.
So maybe there is hope for a cross country rail system.


*punches your nose off and then watches it fly around like a boomerang*

>Heard there are plans to dig a channel through Australia so it will become rain forest again.
Where did you hear this absolute nonsense from

Attached: 1644368937364.png (900x840, 26.34K)

Kek, there's not a chance in hell that would ever happen. Can you imagine the cost of that? It would be like building a canal from the border of Canada down to the bottom of Texas.

This, unironically

Attached: 3033078929452016472.jpg (1000x1250, 283.3K)

Abos are the only culture on your godforsaken island

Cost be damned, if the Romans can build aqueducts across Europe then so can you.

Unlike Americans, Australians aren't civilization builders. We have a sprawling prosperous metropolis in the middle of the desert made possible by our engineering expertise. You have a grim shithole filled with abos that's unironically more crime ridden than Detroit.

Attached: vegas.jpg (2569x1710, 688.06K)

This is probably what you're thinking of.

>a truck
You're embarrassing yourself.

Chinese labour

It's called the Bradfield Scheme, it's a plan from the 30s that is gaining popularity again.
The new plans vary quite a bit, so have a look on google if you're interested.

Mate, Vegas was made possible because there was the demand to do it because of its history as a haven for gambling and gangs. Without that, a city like Las Vegas would never have existed in the desert.


THIS, you may not like it but...

Attached: Italian Vegas againn.jpg (5115x2623, 3.2M)

I'm not your mate, pal.

There's been talk of connecting Melbourne and Sydney by bullet train for decades and nothing has ever happened with it, just discussions and plans that go nowhere. And that's something that people have been demanding and actually want to use.

So that canal thing? There's a 0% chance that will ever happen this century, if ever.
>High-speed rail in Australia has been under investigation since the early 1980s.[1][2] Every Federal Government since this time has investigated the feasibility of constructing high-speed rail with speeds above 200 km/h, but to date nothing has ever gone beyond the detailed planning stage.
Why does the gov here just hate infrastructure?

>Without that, a city like Las Vegas would never have existed in the desert.
*Without Hoover Dam

Attached: hooverdam.jpg (2964x2373, 2.23M)

If you would be able to get rid of your absolutely abhorrent government, I think the collective anger of the Australian working man would be enough to motivate the construction of both those things.