Is it considered honorable to serve in your cunts millitary ?

Is it considered honorable to serve in your cunts millitary ?

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Hopefully not for long

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Ppl think you failed at life desu

You're probably retarded if you do, or you are high ranking enough nobody can tell you are part of the army.

No it's full of 50 iq retards, they fill the ranks with foreigners from the commonwealth because no one wants to go fight America's wars

Are the gibs good atleast

Americans think its an honor to serve until everyone get's conscripted

They will consider you rich or have powerful family, at least if you're an officer.

Not that I know of, when I looked the salaries were pretty low for non officers, the food is apparently shit and I don't know much about the housing

It's an honor for other people to serve. Very convenient.

My brother did basic training and he got $100 for 6 hours of training, what a ripoff

> they fill the ranks with foreigners from the commonwealth
That's what every military does in high command. It's sharing of expirence and expertise.

should've joined the reserves, it's over $30k a year for jack shit and training doesn't take as long

He just finished basic traning and now hes waiting for his specialist training or whatever its called
Also 30k? I might do it

that's what they're telling me at least. I joined a few months ago and from what I've been getting in my cheques they're telling the truth, you only have to go 3 hours a week too so it's very much worth it. not sure if it's quite for me but it's been a fun experience so far and it's definitely worth a try.

Thanks, I lost my operator-chan image and all those edits were made before the last archive got wiped.

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Im out of shape but guess Ill talk to a recruiter and shape up

>Is it considered honorable to serve in your cunts millitary ?
we just do it

Why are germans like this? No sense of honor or patriotism ever since ww2

How is it honorable if it's mandatory ?

being out of shape doesn't mean shit, half the officers are overweight. also they're having something of a retention crisis so they're desperate to take in anybody that'll sign up.

lol we're patriotic, but military power isn't at the center of that. Probably because of this I have a gun at home and would defend my country if needed, but my patriotisme makes me want to become an engineer or some shit, not really to stay in the military