As a Taiwanese, I'm glad that this happened to Korea and not Japan

Can you image a world with a partitioned Japan between the soviets and the americans? I shudder at the thought.

Thankfully, Korea was treated as an Axis power and got split and occupied by Soviets and Americans jointly after ww2, lol.

Attached: korea 1945.png (223x226, 7.66K)

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Kim, I literally have Taiwanese citizenship.

Except Japan was the actual aggressor and they totally would've deserved an occupation period like that. Korea on the other hand got ass-raped while we covered up Japanese War Crimes like Unit 731. Korea should've been given self-determination, the emperor of Japan should've been fully removed. Instead we have weebs online simping for imperial japan and multiple past and current japanese PM's being members of ultranationalist organizations.

What do you gain from spamming this, be honest bro

My greatest wish is to become part of Japan desu. I hope I live long enough to see it happen.

Taiwanese men fought for the Axis powers and were loyal to Japan - but got treated as an Allied power and victor in ww2, and wasn't occupied by the American army.

why is taiwan so lucky as a country?

Attached: taiwan-flag-png-large.jpg (1000x667, 21.04K)

Korea was an aggressor of ww2 because they were part of Japan at the time.

More Koreans fought for Japan during ww2, than resisted.

That's why americans considered Korea to be an axis power and deservedly treated them so.

??? WTF are you talking about? Taiwan at that time was the Mainland China government, which was waging war against Japan at that time. Unless there was some Taiwanese puppet state Japan set up that I have no idea about; this is bullshit.

Only after the 1950s when Korea got destroyed did they start wewuzzing as victims of japanese imperialism and that they dindu nuffin.

Lol, but nobody bought that at the time. the leading american general in charge of the occupation of southern korea, john r hodge, told his soldiers four days before he arrived in Korea, Hodge told his officers that Korea "was an enemy of the United States"

american military massacred south koreans who protested the us military occupation in 1946. this was heavily censored by the puppet government installed by americans in south korea.

My family has lived in Taiwan since the 17th century. We lived under Japanese rule after 1895, and we loved Japan.


Yeah I'm well aware of that. I went through a commie phase at one point and even unironically shilled for the norf. But desu Korea should've just had self-determination, I mean there already was a provisional government set up in the South made up of councils before the US arrived.

Lol, no America and the Soviets did the right thing by treating Korea rightfully as an Axis power, just the same as Germany and Austria.

I'm just glad China was there to save free Korea from the great satan
>Approximately 3 million people died in the Korean War, the majority of whom were civilians, making it perhaps the deadliest conflict of the Cold War-era.[46][47][309][310][311] Samuel S. Kim lists the Korean War as the deadliest conflict in East Asia—itself the region most affected by armed conflict related to the Cold War–from 1945 to 1994, with 3 million dead, more than the Vietnam War and Chinese Civil War during the same period.
>After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops

Attached: Screenshots_2022-02-10-21-00-35.png (536x980, 198.17K)

No such thing. It's like saying you have citizenship in Narnia.

>No such thing. It's like saying you have citizenship in Narnia.

Attached: chinese wojak.png (683x751, 149.03K)

This Taiwanese schizo again?

Korea literally lives rent free in your head lmao

Attached: 1637587280607.png (338x350, 131.13K)


Get out of Japan davido/zhang/kim.

The biggest disaster was separating Korea and Taiwan from Japan. I'll never get over this separation.

The Korean War was a mistake, thousands of dead Americans, and for what?
Communism was never going to spread to the rest of Asia, the Vietnam war only proved that even more. I doubt the Koreans can hold their own against the Norks despite better tech.

Korea was a colony of the Japanese Empire, was it not?
They didn't really have a say because their original govt was overthrown by the japs. It was directly annexed into Japan proper. How can a nonexistent Korean state be blamed for crimes it couldn't have even committed in the first place? It's more likely that Koreans were conscripted to fight for Japan because they had no choice. Because Korea was Japan.

>American chink telling me to get out of my country.

And before people on Any Forums say why did America and Soviets consider Korea to be an Axis power even though they were colonized by Japan?

Well, the answer to that question is because Korea actually asked to be annexed by Japan.

The prime minister of Korea begged Japan to annex his country.

But after WW2 defeat and Korean war, Koreans started to turn to victim mentality and scream to the world "WE WERE FORCIBLY COLONIZED BY JAPAN!!! WE WERE VICTIMS DURING WW2, NOT PART OF THE AGGRESSORS!!!"

But luckily Stalin and truman didn't fall for it. and rightfully split korea in half for help starting ww2 as aggressors.

Attached: korean history.gif (250x443, 12.41K)