What's Miami like?

What's Miami like?

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like gta vice city

It's a city.

it's a p. cool city. better than 99% southern cities imo


Do they speak English in Miami? or Spanish only?

It's a city in Florida, so it houses pretty much every type of shitty person you can imagine. Florida as a whole is a darkness realm full of monstrous people.
It's like 75% English 25% Spanish

>It's like 75% English 25% Spanish
oye chico uste sta loco

>It's like 75% English 25% Spanish

Fucking retard lol

Really? I thought it was the opposite 75% Spanish 25% English

66% Spanish first language

Depends on how much money you have.

Attached: dualityofman.jpg (1912x1680, 1.09M)

english is the second most spoken language in miami retard

because he's wrong. the retards on this board always give their hot opinions on things they don't know anything about.

I was talking about like in public and shit

He's never been to Miami. You can live and work in the city with zero English.

Unless you're in a Haitian neighborhood, you will literally hear nothing other than Spanish in the streets, restaurants, public, DMV, gas stations, anywhere

It doesn’t really feel like the US
that Art Deco hotels in Miami Beach are cool but the rest of it’s gross

It's great. I thought I'd be so glad to leave when heading off to college but now I realize it's a swell place. Also, why do you keep making these threads?

Where in miami are there the most white people? Are they mostly all upper class?

>Also, why do you keep making these threads?
What do you mean? I'm just interested to know what your cities are like. I might visit Miami one day because my spoken English is garbage and I can just speak Spanish there

I assumed you're the same guy that made three Miami vs LA threads in a row the past days

I went there in 2019 and was surprised at just how much of a shithole it was. literally latin america. it's either nearly dubai-tier wealth which only the shallow take any joy in or a favela. a girl I talked to on tinder while there told me the neighbourhoods to avoid if you didn't want to get stabbed and it was essentially half the city. if you go to florida stick to the smaller cities

this, where's starfish and prawn island though?