Europeans be like

Europeans be like

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Bottom is an american city

no difference

Houses are generally more expensive in the countryside here
All the rich people live in the countryside villages
Poor people live in cities

>All the rich people live in the countryside villages
>Poor people live in cities
imagine being this retarded

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I think you're confusing people here with american urbanites who try hard to be as european as possible and end up turning homosexual in the process because they don't understand the mentality

Nah, here it's something like this:

Estates (quintas, herdades, montes,...) and villas are popular and in demand, living in downtown gentrified shitholes is popular and is in demand.

Everything else isn't and is for the poor i.e. the outskirts and suburbs

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You mean 300,000€ + taxes

5+1s are an American thing

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They really really doobie doo be doing like dat no cap

literally the other way around, i've never seen someone on this board say something positive about living in a city

Most people with a job buy their house/apartment here, rather than rent.

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that's the US city and suburb relationship more or less. But larger cities do have their expensive neighborhoods. My area has suburbs for some of richest people on earth and suburbs that are basically urban sprawl ghettos full of blacks and Hispanics.

he is right. London is just the exception to the rule. London is not the only city in the UK.

But muh hustle and bustle of the big city, muh exposed red brick walls...

Pathetic Euros, my rent's only $1400 a month lmao.

Houses themselves don’t cost that much but they usually come with a huge plot of land too and that extra land costs a lot of money in taxes

In France you'd better hope that the bank processing your paperwork for the house doesn't decide to go strike that week kek

Classy apartment in the historical center and unexpensive cosy countryside home for weekends and holidays is the true evropean way of life

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It's not just Europeans bro. It's also coastal "elites" who look down on flyover country, the SOVL of America.

I live within a kilometer of my university and I pay 500€ a month for a 50m^2 apartment.

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I study in a smaller town of ~180k people and my apartment costs me about 240€ a month

And i’m not even a rentoid, it’s a condominium

>swedes live in condoms

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You pay for utilities
You pay for property taxes
And if you don’t
You go homeless and likely incarcerated…

How the hell is spending hundreds to millions of dollars on a fucking plywood hut several to dozens of kilometres away from anything that represents your job or mall or club or just fucking anything while having to drive through agonizing traffic a smart financial decision?

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