Indigenism is a very flawed and contradictory ideology...

Indigenism is a very flawed and contradictory ideology, but it has prevented large scale genocides in Mexico (and lesser extent Peru) as the national culture exalts indian cultures

This doesnt mean violence hasnt been used against them, but not to the extent of other latino countries. Mapuche genocide in Chile and Argentina, amerindian etnocide in Brazil and mayan holocaust of Guatemala are unthinkable here as the state assumes a paternalist attitude towards indians, unlike other latino countries where they are viewed and classified as sub humans.

Indigenism is the only reason EZLN hasnt been wiped out by the forces of capitalism, EZLN wouldnt have survived in any other latino country

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indio people get sterilized without their consent all the time tho. havent you noticed that we are actually getting whiter?

We did the same with Christianity

>havent you noticed that we are actually getting whiter?
How is that possible with all the venezuelans and haitians (niggers basically) going there? Here we will be fucked in a couple of years.

No its

Chiapas, Campeche and Guerrero are the states with highest fertility rates and are basically indio ethno statds

our inmigration police is really harsh, more than the american one. plus the venezuelans and haitians inmigrants are very new. venezuelans already have to get a visa permit to legally enter mexico, and we send the haitians and other central americans to america lol

chiapas urbanites went from looking like indios to mestizos in 20 years. i am not joking, we are getting whiter. my northern hometown went from looking like a mestizo place to look like a spanish urbanites place

Cringe Zapatincel

>havent you noticed that we are actually getting whiter?

lol there is no way that is actually true

what's EZLN?

Don't include brazil in your shit spic

>havent you noticed that we are actually getting whiter?

how is that even possible?

totally delusional

>lol there is no way that is actually true
its true. the richer zones of CDMX are becoming the chinatowns of white americans and europeans. even normoids noticed it and constantly seethe about hearing more english than spanish there.

Indigenism is part of the romanticism approach that romans had towards barbarians. Now, indio andean ethnocacerism is based on the unity of indios for their own survival and wellbeing. Things like forced sterilizations rarely happen in the Andes, which is why andean countries are becoming more indio over time. The criollo class is almost extint in the Andes. Good riddance.

Indigenism is the reason why bastards like this arent elect president

Even racists shit retards have to accept indigenism to become presidents and keep shut about their thoughts

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>its true. the richer zones of CDMX are becoming the chinatowns of white americans and europeans. even normoids noticed it and constantly seethe about hearing more english than spanish there.
>in 2050 you won't be able hear spanish in mexico city or english in los angles

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this is a good thing for us. it sux 4 americans i guess

If u sum up all Native American reserves in Brazil ill end up w a territory bigger than that of Mexico lmao
Just stfu spic

Who dis and what did he say?

>If Mexico didnt have to carry the burden of Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas (the holy trinity of brown injun shitholes), we would be a half-developed nation and a rising power
Gabriel Quadri, federal politician, one of the 2012 candidates for being the president of the republic. Beyond based IMO

> urban popumation are lighter

No shit sherlock

Ever heard of republics of spaniards and republic of indios

New Spain was an apartheid state and we can see that in theh way population is located and its wealth skin tone etx

well not the part where everyone speaks english in cdmx

what a dumbass animal you are. rural people go to the cities all the time. the light skinned people of the cities are the children of the brown skinned rurals that migrated. repeat this cycle for 20 years and you will succesfully bleach a population.

that would be kino. mexican spanish is awful

The romanticism around indians is grounded in fantasy and political ideology with no basis in reality.

Indians are, have always been and will always be violent savages. The popular portrayal of indians as some noble people that lived in harmony with nature until the evil europeans came along has no basis in reality and is made up entirely to support anti-colonialism sentiment.
If not for europeans they'd be sacrificing people in altars or burying children alive to this day. They cry about stolen land as if a few hundred savages living in huts in the middle of the amazon have any right to claim ownership of an entire continent, it's laughable.

Because ppl there is brainwashed as fuck, I would expect indigenism from mayans and other native communities but not from mestizos who speak spanish, who are catholics, whose architecture is baroque-like hispanic and whose culture is massively influenced by conquerors culture.

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