It's funny that despite having arguably the ugliest women in the world...

it's funny that despite having arguably the ugliest women in the world, this country's a famous sex tourist destination only because of how ridiculously easy their women are.

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honestly flips are a mixed bag, some are pretty attractive and then you have some that look like missing link. Obviously the ghetto rats that boomer sexpats prey on aren't the prettiest

its more because they can fuck something like this and no one would bats an eye

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American women are so ugly that not even their promiscuity can make it into a sex tourism destination...

bro, you're women look the same they just cover up more because they larp as muslims while sending nudes to anyone who say "hi" on interpals


That explains a lot.


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what the fuck does that have anything to do with my post? foreigners are coming to philippines to fuck children and teens, not women

that is super sad
fuck this world

Haglovers have fucked up tastes. Young girls in the Philippines are cute and the contrast between tan skin and bright pink pussy is top notch.

wtf, i thought Philippines had harsh laws for degenerate kid fuckers

Naw, some of them are alright

1. Poverty
2. Law enforcement
We catch one about every month, usually online sex.

they do, they just dont enforce it, only do it occasionally for publicity, works the same here.
when i was in my FINAL YEARS in college i saw a white guy that looks my age, on an account that white people looks older so you subtract the estimated age by 5 years, with a girl that looks about 14 walking in a mall looking for specs. nobody give a shit.

SEA women in general are very ugly, the mixed with whites and the mixed with east asian look good though.

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They didn't catch me >:)

yellow fever and feeling desired do wonders for a male

Mestizas & Chinitas are pleb tier tastes. The real find is nabbing an actually attractive native chick.

Based Filipinos making anime real

They are 900 years old

lets see your women

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They're truly are doing the world a service.