

Attached: FLP97AXXoAkBh6Z.jpg (1584x2048, 214.66K)

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>it's third worlders posting american politics hours again

Attached: 212321930213.jpg (1200x1200, 76.47K)

>profile pic is a jew

Attached: 1591629652144.jpg (442x558, 33.18K)

>World Star
I can see it.

i love white american women

they get so wet when you mow their lawn, Pedro

They're all yours panchito

Attached: wedding dance.webm (640x640, 809.33K)

Soooooo Coca Cola was made by a black guy ?

where's the lie though

Attached: black music collage.jpg (2152x6850, 2.98M)

damn why are you so salty about it

what is H?

Far right, is that achievable natty?


>peanut butter
>light bulbs
checks out

it's true, America is held together by peanut butter

What if i love wild west

less fat than Mexican women unironically

>>peanut butter
why is this meme still going around

The only thing I like about America is that they have nukes and can nuke themselves.
Also, a few of their videogames are ok

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Sure, just do barbel thrusts x 1000, daily for 30 years

I saw a cigarette in the thumbnail

Kanye West, the greatest artist of 21st century, is black

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Everything I love about America is because of Anglo-Celtics.
Everything I hate about America is because of black 'people'.

> gone with the wind
> Little House on the Prairie
The only things I like about America and actually both are black actors


imagine that black hand with those long acrylic nails around the base of your dick

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In a globalised world, American politics is everyone's politics.

This trigger me and Im not even american



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I dont like hip hop or pro athletes not do I wear Kanye's clothes so black people have had zero impact on the things I like about America. In fact they're a net negative when crime is factored in.

But I don't love America though

Have you seen a lot of Mexican women? Thats the average one post 2 kids.

He's too relatable

he's literally me

Attached: kanye.jpg (640x900, 68.19K)