Picture of the r/france meetup

>picture of the r/france meetup

Damn, the french really are a fashionable people, huh?

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they look like retards. if they dressed like this over here they'd get their asses kicked.

checks out

This the streetwear meet up
Post your new balance, spiderman shirt, and cargo shorts for me please

what a bunch of KEKS. truly inferior beings to 4channel MASTER RACE

Attached: 4channel meetup.jpg (2144x1608, 1.66M)

>only 4 whites

Now THIS is fashion!

they all look like goblins, I thought the french were good looking? this is bullshit, my life is a lie

so fucking embarrassing. how do people seriously go out into public like this and not think anything of how stupid they appear?

theres way too much to unpack here

God i fucking hate broccoli heads

Attached: Ekbnsz5VkAAzV4R.jpg (750x830, 80.63K)

Me on the right, next to the back pack.


This is how I imagine continentals

Bro, it's >r/france

The Any Forumsizen here always makes me giggle.

White is a spectrum sweetie


Why do all of their heads look tiny?

I’m friends with a bunch of frenchpipo who are basically their equivalent of tarqs and they’re mostly really handsome tbqh, it must be poor people that are ugly there

They all look extremely pretentious and insufferable

Attached: 4 channel meetup2.jpg (2144x1608, 874.25K)

>it must be poor people that are ugly there
isn't that the same thing here?

are there really so many girls here? i thought there was maybe 1 or 2 at most.

The poor are ugly in rich countries and beautiful in poor ones.
It's a natural selection process, only in rich countries the mere existence of ugly AND useless people can be tolerated.

believe it or not back in the late 2000 Any Forums didn't have such a bad rep.

>are there really so many girls here?

those are all men.

What the fuck are you talking about? It was way worse in the late 2000s, browsing Any Forums felt subversive and the mainstream medias painted Any Forums as a lair for hackers, fascists and pedophiles.