What hair cut do you have?

what hair cut do you have?

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a very basic undercut, buzzed sides short on top.

a grade 2/3 buzzcut all over
if you can't pull of a buzzcut, you've got no T and you're not handsome, fact

Pics pls


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God I hate Biker Vikings. This is what depictions of Harald Hairfair should look like

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Vikings were rapists anyway.


Why so rude

Ur mum likes it

pic related

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black hime cut

You from Normandy? Cause I gonna give you a Norman D

>pic related

Attached: VikingPepeMonkWojack.png (1104x1116, 600.62K)

I just cope with baldness

Take the baldpill

Forgot pic

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looks based with the wavy hair

Yeah, that's a pretty solid mullet.

Your hairline is better than mine, if it makes uou feel any better.

recently been growing mine out to this it's been getting me many bitches
amazing taste. just excellent.

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nice hair canadanon